April Should Be ‘National Autism Elimination Month’

I have just finished up a week-long Blaze ad campaign program available through WordPress which promoted my most recent blog post, “Healing Families The Universe Way, Eliminating Spiritual Autism”. I just realized that here in the USA, this month of April has been designated the National Autism Acceptance Month. I am so happy I participated in this event with my own creative blogging endeavor.

I see autism quite differently than most everyone and I wanted to enlighten those who are interested in an alternative approach to treatment here in the WordPress community. So, I was able to receive over 300 views from the campaign. Not that great really but I am happy that some people actually took the time to read my post and even my home page. Please feel free to share my autism post wherever you feel it would be appropriate.

I am trying very diligently to change the perception of autism. I call it spiritual autism and that makes it easier to understand and treat through Universe Family Healing. I am sure there will be many more health conditions of a spiritual etiology in the future. I know there are so many health conditions caused by the spirit worlds living on human bodies. This health condition, spiritual autism, is the one I am focusing on right now.

There seems to be a very negative approach to how we are supposed to perceive autism. I am not sure why that is but it seems that there has never really been a very good way to get rid of autism, so we might as well just accept it? No way. That is totally ridiculous. I am trying to make it easy to understand but there is this gigantic autism spirit world which I am slowly getting rid of. It would help if more people connected their autism spirit world with me to our Universe. It is quite simple to get rid of spiritual autism.

So, for me, I have renamed the month of April as follows:

National Autism Elimination Month

I really like this positive approach here and I hope you do too.

Alright, so let’s get on the positive side of April. I am waiting for your phone call, email, or text message.

Schedule your Universe Family Healing Session at your earliest convenience.

Julia Angel, Universe Family Healer

Retired Parent Child Clinical Nurse Specialist

