Purging Towards the Sun: On the Universe

This post was first published on May 9, 2014. Today, December 7, 2018, I am republishing it here with a few updates. I am still purging towards the sun.

When I am in the direct view of our sun, I am so connected to its magnetic field. I purge directly towards the sun! It is like magic, but totally real. It is an amazing phenomenon. I am documenting it here again because it is so powerful and mysterious that I want to keep talking about this on my blog. It is true that no one else is talking about this. I am sure that it is a totally new way of interacting with our real world. I am sure that I am the only one to do this. I cannot explain why I am the one. I only describe what is going on. Again, it is a phenomenological approach to this situation. I am living it and describing it. I know that it makes me feel so good! I feel energized. I feel wonderful.

The sun is also getting what it needs to go on. It needs this spiritual layering from me. It requires it to maintain its normal functioning and balance. The scientists will never agree with me. But then they are not me. They are not a Universe Family Healer. I feel that what they all say is not important at all, and in the future their research studies about the Universe will go away. No one will care what they say. It is apparent now when I read the posting on the internet. People are joking about the scientific studies all the time now. It is just one big joke!

That is all I wanted to say today. When I talk about being “on the universe”, I just mean that the universe is on, (like turned on again), open, and able to take this spiritual energy away from me. I guess this is what is needed to save a human existence. And so it goes on and on. I will always be here to purge this energy. I will live and be free of spiritual setups and spiritual living. I will not be a part of that spiritual world which still exists.

I will create my own living world. It will be safe and loving. The spiritual world is dying and will slowly fade away. It will take time, but it is happening now.  Because I am here though, life goes on and on.

There are no other planets like ours. The Universe is a dead place. It has this energy circulating around it but it is not life forming. It is like a spiritual waste center. Purging this spiritual energy just keeps us at a safe distance from our sun and that means that we can live. I know that the scientists do not say anything about this and never will. They will be part of the demise of the spiritual world. That is the truth.

A Universal Family is in Total Control of Their World..

Trying to make it out their on your own is hazardous these days. The idea is this: Raise your children and then they move out on their own.. They get sent away to college at an early age. They are supposed to move out and rent an enormously expensive apartment and survive landlord/tenant issues… Then they are supposed to have this great big job to buy a car and a huge house… That is the world today. It evolved into that spiritual jungle… That is only one version though. And that version is slowly degrading…

A universal family leaves that spiritual jungle. A family that is actively purging out spiritual energies will not go that route. It is just too ridiculous. There are no other words for it. I see this over and over with families falling into this set up and living out their lives as if this is the right way.. It is not the right way at all. It is only a spiritual game to trap young people and make their lives miserable. And people pretend all the time that it is the right thing to do, until tragedy strikes… Oh well, they tried at least…

Instead, the universal family is able to live simply and naturally. These spiritual games are not played out with the young people. They are not pushed into awkward and dangerous situations. They are supported and loved and cared for no matter what age they are.. Age has no meaning really when you are universal. You remain very young in a universal world…

Your family stays with you and together you live and support each other. You rely less and less on friends and other acquaintances. Those other people are not very well-connected to you when you are universally healing and purging. They simply fade away… And as a result, your develop more connections with other families who are like you. There are other families around you who are also universally healing. They are not as aware of this phenomenon maybe, but it is still happening. Universal healing and spiritual energy purging is a real natural phenomenon and will not stop.

The spiritual world cannot stop spiritual energy purging….

The Spirits Are Defeated Here in My World: I am in Total Control of Them…

Once upon a time, I was living in the spiritual world. I was on a controlled, setup time frame and did not know it. The spirits set up our days while we sleep. Did you know that? It is part of the sleep cycle… What a freaky mess spirits are…Somehow, I escaped and managed to take my sons with me. I separated myself from the evil environment I was living in. It took several years to do this… It was not easy. It was challenging and difficult. I was fearful many times and could not understand what was going on with me. I was changing so much.. I had to figure things out for myself as no one could tell me what I was becoming…There was no wise person to explain to me that I was really a powerful Healer purging spiritual energy. I only realized this after several years.

It is easy to explain this all now on my blog, but in the early beginnings it was all very confusing.. The spirits made up everything in our world and doubled it with their negativity. It was hard to separate from it but I did…I did this as a single mom, all by myself. I used my own mind to make important financial decisions. I did not rely on the specialists of the day. I did not depend on any man. I became more in tune with my own feelings and just knew what I needed to do. My confidence slowly grew….,

I purged spiritual energy and still do. Now, my purging is easy.. It is automatic. It is not based on any ritual or conditions of weather. It is always on….I always feel the pulling and hear the spiritual sounds.. That reassures me that my universal connection is intact…

Purging means the spiritual energies around me are pulled away from me and merged with the universal energies of the vast universe. So, I hear the spiritual sounds outside my window and way out there somewhere, On the Universe!… That is what is so amazing! Spiritual energy is not part of our natural universe. It is an alien web like formation, a bubble like condition that is dependent upon a human body for its existence. That is why I call it a parasitic spiritual infestation… The human race is extremely infested with spiritual energy…. It needs humans to grow this web and interact. As you stay away from negative people, you lose the web and the spiritual connection…That is how you ultimately heal and live..

You may be wondering about this. Not too many people are understanding this, but some do.  I know what I say is real and unusual. But, I am only speaking the truth about what I know. I continue to figure things out on the way. Again, there is no one to guide me here. No one is telling me how it will go. It is all brand new….There is no way to know what the future is going to be, except that it will exist… Life will continue because Universal Healing is here….



The Return of Positivity: Universe Family Healing Does This!

Your family’s Universe healing process allows the return of the positive energies that have been overpowered for a very long time. All this means is that the Universe is in control once again and removes the negative spiritual energy from your world. Every family has their own set up spiritual world right now. This is how a spiritual environment is created. It needs other people close by to construct its angles and web. These entities call humans “angels” and use their brain and body to live and multiply..It is a real phenomenon… But of course, when you are so surrounded by it, you do not realize it is even there…You are under its control totally!

Now, when one family member escapes even a little from this magnetic negative web, the spiritual setups are not intact and disintegrate. It is happening with my family right now and because it was a seven-year cycle this time, a major shift is occurring in my world! All of the spiritual energy is purged this time from my world onto the universe because I have established such a strong and powerful connection. There is no turning back the other way for us. There will never be a return to a spiritual world for us.. We have ended spirituality in our world! Now, I know that no one else talks about this like I do because no one else is as far along as I am… I am leading the way here.

Your family can benefit from Universe Family Healing too. It is not something that is exclusively mine. I was just able to break away and get it going again… As a result, I am able to see everything clearly without anxiety or frustration. I make decisions confidently and know what to say and do in any given situation. This can be your reality too. It is available for all good humans of this planet. Only the good humans will live. The evil spiritual humans will die and their energies are being purged one at a time…

Feeling Good- The Sun Does It!

There is always so much bad stuff said and written about the sun these days. I am tired of hearing it really. Those people who are always talking down the sun are very spiritual people. They hide themselves in the sun and cover up their faces. They are the ones getting skin cancers all the time..They are more spiritual than human. Their time is over now.

I know that the sun is not a bad thing at all. The sun is the greatest Healer of them all.. When I sit in the sun, its powerful rays are all over me, pulling the spiritual energy away.. I am so connected to the sun and always have been. This tells me that I have always been a Healer, but did not really know it. I was not aware of my true healing ability. I am now, but it took me many years to be here where I am today…

We are fortunate to have the best weather conditions in North California. I am so positive it has to do with spiritual energy purging! I feel that weather conditions are controlled spiritually too…But not here where I live. The natural living world has taken control back and we have gorgeous weather..I am happy that we are having a very early spring. The sun is shining brightly. I know it is going to be a very good and prosperous year for me and my family. I know because the sun is here with me.

A real human Universal Healer like me must have this powerful connection with the sun. I work with the sun to establish a bond and continually purge this negative energy towards it. This allows our world to be safe and secure. Purging spiritual energy stabilizes the magnetic fields around the universe. This means our sun will not die and we will live on. Without this recycling of spiritual energy, the sun will get hotter and hotter and the Earth will die, as what happened on other planets. Purging spiritual energy on the universe balances everything nicely!

Now, there is this constant flow of spiritual energy onto the universe. The sun is supplied with magnetic energy.. This is what real Universal Healing really is, feeding the sun! You may read other people’s words who say they are Universal Healing, but they are not saying the things I say and I know they are not doing the things I do. This is my personal concept of Universal Healing. It makes logical sense to me. I am experiencing this phenomenon all the time and documenting what happens to me here on my blog. I do not care if scientists on this planet are not interested in this theory of mine. That is their own business. I do what I do and it works..

When You Leave the Spiritual World, You Become Universal

What does that mean? It means that instead of your life moving in a controlled set up fashion, you sever that old ugly connection and slow down. You make decisions on what you want to do based on your feelings. This is what happens when that old spiritual layer is released. It has kept you stuck in a mind-set for a very long time. You think that you are doing the right thing. You ask others for advice. They tell you what is your “path”… You listen to them… But it is not really good or fun… That is because you are trying to live a spiritual life and spiritual living is never a fun, successful life. You end up with the wrong people, places, and diseases. You end up dying. Spiritual energy decays the human body over time. That is what the scientists are calling “aging”. It is just this energy coming through and taking over the physical body completely…

That is the big difference between being spiritual and universal… There is a huge difference. You can continue being spiritual if you want. And most people do this kind of life. Their faces change and grow ugly. Their noses enlarge. They become so full of this energy it totally takes over their physical bodies and destroys it…

Or you can purge out all of this mess and become universal. That is totally possible today. You must accept change. You must accept leaving a workplace or career that was so unfulfilling and negative. You must slow down and rest more. That is the only way to become universal..As you slow down, the universal energy from our outside world (which is always there too) can connect and pull this spiritual layer away.. It is a real phenomenon…

I have said this over and over again on my blog. But I am saying it today one more time. You cannot find real life as a spiritual person because spiritual energy is not human. It is not real!! It is like an alien invasion from some other place. But it is up to you… There is another way..

You do not have to live a miserable spiritual life and die..

Universal living is going to make our world survive all the bad times and troubles going on right now. This planet will not destruct as many others have, I am here to make sure that Universal healing continues on and on… I am not going away.. I am not a fad or scam.. I am a real Universal Healer and I am purging very powerfully on the universe all the time…..

As the Spiritual World Crumbles, The Real World Takes Over…..

Healer’s Blog: Earth Date: 08/23/14

Healer here.

I am saying this again. The news is showing the signs very well. It is happening everywhere- north, east,  west, and south. The death statistics are rising and being told in very grisly detail. As spiritual worlds go, this is one that is very old and decaying fast. I am not really interested in the spiritual world’s news of the day. I simply read it and move on.  The statistics are typical of a spiritual world. These negative people are only interested in death and so their news represents this too. I am only interested in the living world and making changes that will allow this rebirth to happen….

My spiritual energy purging is correcting a lot of problems in my community. I purge this energy and also make my concerns public on my blogs. I make written complaints to the appropriate enforcement agencies too. This combination of activities is working. As we enter the final days of August, I will see the changes still going the right way. I will see positivity return to my community. I will know that my spiritual energy purging is very real and powerful because the right people are taking control again. I am one of these people. There are others too. But whatever we try to do now will be easily done without any further restrictions or barriers in our way. The spiritual people who have been controlling this world are decaying. And when they die, their bodies simply rot away quickly. Bodies decompose much faster when they are spiritually controlled….

Enough of that dying talk. We are entering the end of the spiritual world’s control over this universe. As a result, the universe  will change greatly. It will not ever be like this again. The dead remain dead and gone. There is no more return to life. That is for certain now…..

This year is moving fast to completion. And one day, there will be no more calendars or years… That spiritual setup will simply be a memory of another age that is long gone….

That’s all I have to say for today. Continue doing as you feel. Do not stop. Make those changes real and permanent now. It will happen easily….




081714- Healer’s Blog Update

Healer’s Blog Earth Date 081714:

Healer here. I am still seeing positive changes happening. The wrongs are being righted. The changes are happening the right way too. I simply observe now what is changing. I know that there are many people who are not happy with the changes. That is expected since these negative spiritual people have had it easy for a very long time. But, this is not the way of the new world now….

There is a lot of spiritual energy purging happening. And this purging is opening up the living world more and more each day…. It is allowing the old world to die permanently and be removed from our planet. Those people who are not from our living world will simply die away and their spiritual energies are purged and merged on the universe. The energy patterns of our natural universe are stronger than ever and grab all the magnetic spiritual energy that is still here. This stops any spiritual worlds from developing further. This purge and merge effect immediately removes the negativity from our lands. We can all breathe easier now because this spiritual energy purging phenomenon is real and happening all the time.

I know too that in time the changes will be so visible and permanent that the days and nights are affected positively too. The fake “solar system” set up will be noticeably apparent to many and we will all be able to laugh at it. And this change will be very sudden, but not avoidable. And people will wonder about it as they simply fade out onto the universe.. They were never supposed to be on this planet.

We are Healers and will not allow the dead to control us anymore. The dead simply vanish and no longer exist….The spiritual age is over…This can never happen again because Healers are alive and actively purging away the spiritual energies that invaded this land a long time ago….Healers had to become warriors in the fight against the evils of spirituality, but Healers have won and this means life will continue forever….

That is all for now. I will continue to report here on the progress of the Healers in the new world..

I am the Only Real Healer Right Now- I Purge Spiritual Energy and Live On and On…

I did a quick internet search just to see what was going on in the world of spiritual healers.  I see that they are trying to keep their negative connections going. They are grouping together now on internet websites instead of being on their own. They are sharing websites and promoting this connectedness among them, much like I have seen the psychics doing. Those psychic websites only exist for a short time now too.

The spiritual energies between the people on those psychic websites is moving out onto the universe. So, very soon, there will not be any psychic websites anymore. They are not really making any money now. Their websites show them to be genuine and real,  but in reality, they are just fakes and frauds. That is the truth these days. There is not that much spiritual energy to really allow those psychic games anymore people…

The psychics and spiritual healers of this world once held a great deal of spiritual energy between them. But because I was involved with those people briefly during my healing journey, their energies are all purging out, without their knowledge or permission. It is kind of sneaky, but that is how spiritual energy behaves. Because of its magnetic qualities, it just latches on to whatever spiritual energy is around them. This is how that energy from the psychics became connected to my own purging spiritual energy.  It becomes one long chain of spiritual energy moving onto the universe. And there is nothing that can stop it.

It is not a ritual or anything like that. It is just a natural phenomenon. This energy is very magnetic and contains magnetite which is found in the human brain/body. And this is the proof that spiritual energy is real.  The little bit of spiritual energy still left here on this planet merges with the greater universal energy and is quieted forever. No more noisy, negative spirits. All gone, thank goodness…

Now, these spiritual healers are showing how dependent they have become on other spiritual healers. They are dying too. I see that happening. These healers that are using all kinds of  “healing methods” are spiritual in nature. They are all dying out, one by one. These spiritual healers are not purging their spiritual energy. They have held onto it for a very long time and it tends to be a very negative and tightly held band of energy between them. They will succumb and die because spiritual energy is very damaging to the human body and they do not purge it!

They may think that they are purging, but they are not. It is not happening for them, no matter what they say or do. They die with their spiritual energies intact. Once they die, their spiritual energies purge and merge with the rest of the spiritual energies I am actively purging all the time. That is how things get so much better in our world. When these extremely negative people die, our world lives.


I am not dying. I am living because I continually purge spiritual energy onto the universe. I do not hold on to it and play with it. I get rid of it permanently. These people who have proclaimed themselves as the “most powerful healer”, will die simply because  they held on to all the negative energy from other people they healed instead of purging it and releasing it to the universe. That is the big difference here. And soon, one day, when I check on the internet, I will not see these healing or psychic websites anymore.

They just cannot sustain themselves. Their so called abilities are waning quickly all the time and they know it. They cannot fool themselves any longer. They know now that they are really not healers at all. They are jokes and fakes. They will die. And that is the truth. If you call yourself a healer and you get a disease, you are not a healer. You are only fooling yourself. Spiritual healers, do not come my way with your load of bad energy. Connect yourself to the universe and purge out. That’s what makes you real. If not, you just die.

The only real Healers are purging their spiritual energies onto the universe and do not charge for their services. If you are trying to make a living by healing others, you are a spiritual healer and will die.  If you are like me though,  (and there will be others), you understand this immediately. Your life does not depend on “healing” others. That is a spiritual set-up.  Anyone can connect themselves to the universal energies. I was just the first to get this phenomenon going, but I am not the last!!


Autism is a Spiritual Condition

I am updating my autism page with all of the posts I have made about spiritual autism starting in May 2014 through May 2019. I hope that this information is helpful and that it allows healing in your family to begin. Please note that this is only the beginning. I assure you that once you read my words and understand more of what I am talking about, you will want to contact me for further assistance.

Originally Published 05/04/14:

Autism is A Spiritual Condition

From a Universe Family Healer’s perspective, autism has a spiritual etiology. It is not a medical condition. It is due to a very large spiritual energy field surrounding the child and family at birth. The spiritual energy field grows as the baby grows and inhibits normal brain development.

Of course there are varying degrees of this condition. It is not a medical problem and that is why all the medical treatments for this condition do nothing. I purge and merge these magnetic spiritual energy fields into our Universe’s magnetic field.

The medical profession and scientific world in general do not accept the dangers caused by spiritual energy. In fact, they do not even acknowledge its existence. Spiritual energy is real. It contains magnetite (a very magnetic natural occurring mineral). Magnetite has been found in the human brain. But scientists are not sure why it is there.

My theory is that magnetite is the real measurable part of spiritual energy. And since humans all have this in our brains, it connects us in a spiritual energy web.

When I purge out this energy, the power of spiritual energy diminishes. I purge and merge this energy all the time into the outside atmosphere of our Universe. I am referring to our outside world, beyond your front door. I have a very powerful connection to our Universe’s magnetic current. The spiritual energies purge outside into our atmosphere and into this current. Amazing!

My healing modality is a natural ability. I am now purging and merging spiritual energy all the time. Since I do this into our Universe, spiritual autism has less fuel to power itself.

Spiritual healing only enhances the autism problem. Spiritual healers do not connect spiritual energy into the Universe. They are not Universe healers and they are not connected to our Universe. Instead the spiritual healers keep this energy field intact which just makes everything much worse for the family. Spiritual healers are not real healers and give the benefits of real healing a bad name.

Medical professionals cannot cure spiritual autism. They are not able to remove the spiritual energy field and connect it to our Universe. All they do is make things worse. Their tests and medical procedures cannot detect the real problem. They are unsuccessful in providing a safe and effective diagnosis and treatment for spiritual autism. Families should not be involved with those medical professionals.

Universe Family Healing is a specialized healing modality which removes spiritual energy completely. The spirits are then put back into the Universe, far away from humans. Once in the Universe’s magnetic current the spirits are recycled in some way. Spirit purging actually strengthens and enhances our Universe. This process allows spirits to go where they need to be, far away from our planet. Perhaps this why our Universe is expanding larger now.

I am available to help families heal from an infestation of spiritual autism. One Universe Family Healing session will connect the spiritual energy field around the family to our Universe. These spiritual worlds are built up around every human.

As this natural healing phenomenon occurs, there is a slight regression in the child’s development and then the entire family will heal and move forward without a spiritual infestation. I have said before that spirits are parasites and Universe Family Healing is the only way to clear this infestation. Spirits use humans as hosts to have their existence.

Originally Published 09/07/16:

Incredible Life Healing Autism

Originally posted on September 7, 2016. I was working with high school students who were diagnosed with autism.

Yes, I am doing this. I had to make a post about this because I knew I could do this. Autism is highly spiritual making it so easy for me to get rid of and I am getting rid of it.

It is happening right here in Yuma, AZ, USA.

Originally published 02/19/19:

Healing Away Spiritual Autism

Universe Family Healing effectively treats spiritual autism. In fact, it is very easy for me to completely remove the autism setup that has invaded a family. Spiritual autism is not just a problem for a child. It is a family problem and must be looked at that way.

There are many so-called behavioral specialists around these days who claim to be able to work with autistic children. All they do is make the autism problem get worse. There is nothing good that they do. They are very highly negative individuals trying to control the autism spectrum. Doctors, speech pathologists, psychologists, etc. cannot do what I do.

I know that these medical people have been under spiritual control for a very long time. Even those medical “specialists” are under spiritual control. That is why the whole autism problem is being eliminated by our Universe. It is a very negative spiritual game disrupting the birth family. Spirits love to make birth families unhappy.

Birth families involved with spiritual autism almost always get their support from medical and behavioral specialists who cannot remove the spiritual setup. These specialists have their own spiritual energies which combine with the families and allow this nonsense to go on.

There is no effective medical or behavioral treatment for autism. Only Universe Family Healing removes the problem completely and sends those spirits to purge and merge with our Universe. There is no reason for parents to be sad anymore. The unusual behaviors and mannerisms associated with autism disappear quickly. The child regresses a little. Then normal development returns. It is that simple. Yes, it is.

Parents must be able to find alternative methods to deal with the autism spectrum. The medical profession must fade in the background and let the real healing of the Universe take control. I am here to help whomever contacts me. I know I can make a positive change for the family. I explain the process. There is a regression. That is normal and related to the spiritual layers purging away. Normal human development was inhibited due to this spiritual layer.

Universe Family Healing removes the spiritual layers allowing normal development to return. The entire family heals together.  Universe Family Healing makes this problem, spiritual autism, extinct. Only Universe Family Healing completely removes the spirits that have set up in the family. Spirits need families under their control to live. Spirits are human parasites.

Originally Published 04/10/19:

Autism Is A Spiritual Game

I figured this out when I worked with high school students recently who were “diagnosed” with autism. I want parents to know that their child is under the influence of a spiritual setup and the entire family is involved. This problem is not just a one person problem. Autism involves the family and so-called professionals who are assisting the “troubled child”. Parents must also know that autism is not their fault and release any guilt feelings.

Parents must understand that there are other ways to receive relief from autism. Parents must know that autism has a spiritual etiology and therefore nothing those medical or behavioral specialists do will make things better. In fact, those specialists continue the autism problem. Medical professionals cannot do anything to remove spiritual energies from humans.

The medical profession is highly spiritual and has been for the ages. Medicine has had total control over the human body. Medicine is a product of the dark ages. There is nothing a doctor can do to effectively treat spiritual autism. I see the doctors backing up and moving far away from families where this autism condition has proliferated. I see that they are leaving that whole thing and not talking about it anymore. I see insurance companies refusing to pay for their services too. It all happens because we are living in Universe Time when all spiritual worlds are purged from humans.

And I know that people are going to look at doctors quite differently. They will not be given high authority at all. They will be looked at like frauds and scam artists. This happens now because autism is highly spiritual and is finally being purged.

I see schools changing how they are running their special education programs. I see that they are not doing anything the right way because I was there and saw first hand what the problems are. Ofcourse, I could not do much about it but observe and quietly purge the spiritual energies away. Of course those school people never knew what I was doing. But I knew.

I saw the results as I interacted with those students. I instantly knew what they needed in order to continue healing and they responded and they healed. I knew what needed to be changed in their school environments in order to break up the autism cycle. It happened right before my eyes. I saw their responses and improvements. It was so easy for me to help them heal.

I can easily heal families who have the autism set up around them. It is just another spiritual game that needs purging. There have been may games put on us by the spirits.  This is one that has caused a lot of grief and pain for our families everywhere. The layers of trauma caused by autism are fading away on the Universe. I am sure that in the future autism will not exist anymore as it will be completely purged away by Universe Family Healing.

Originally Published 05/21/19:

Five years Later: Autism Is Still A Spiritual Setup

I first started posting about autism 5 years ago on May 4, 2014: “Autism is a Spiritual Condition” Over the past five years I have referred to my theory about autism and I have been able to prove it several times.

Recently I was at another job interview and I was asked about autism and alternative methods of treatment. I was asked about sensory stimulation etc. I really did not go into detail about that or my own theory. It was not an appropriate time or place to discuss my healing modality and my theories. I did share my recent experiences when I worked with some students in a local high school who were diagnosed with autism.

One student constantly was tearing paper into shreds instead of doing his school work.  He was seated at a table away from the other students. He was quite capable to participate in the teacher’s lesson but was constantly distracted by this tearing up paper behavior. I observed the school staff member assigned to assist him actually giving him some paper to do this activity! I knew this was so wrong.

Finally I just started saying to him, “Stop tearing the paper and get to your work”. And I took the messy paper scraps away and gave him a pencil and the assignment from the teacher. I successfully was able to remove a spiritual barrier from him and this allowed him to attend better to his assignments. I was surprised at the ease of his attending to classroom work after that. He simply needed someone to intervene and do the right thing. I was removing the spiritual barrier at the same time and it worked! And that school staff member assigned to assist him, well she moved away at the end of the school year. All she did was keep the autism setup intact, so she was removed by our Universe.

I also interacted with another student who was very involved with painting soda pop logos such as Pepsi and Sprite, etc. He was involved in painting a whole collection but was always getting stopped. I knew that he needed to finish this art setup and he did. I helped him complete the last few art projects and then he was done. I could see the change. He never went back to that repetitive art behavior. Instead he got an assigned netbook computer at school and this allowed him to become more real and positive.

Finally the special ed students were getting their netbooks computers like the rest of the regular ed students. This really made a huge change in how they acted, more and more real and normal. The spiritual barriers around them were fading out fast. I know that it was because I was there purging large amounts of spiritual energies but of course I never talked about my healing while I was there. It just happened anyway.

My experience with a typical public high school setting where students with autism attend was positive and rewarding because I could see the changes as they happened in real time. I knew that autism was highly spiritual, but I was able to actually prove it to myself without having to reveal anything to the school professionals. I know that I have a very good way of interacting with students. I instantly know what is needed to make their day positive and real. I observe them for awhile and then it becomes very clear what the spiritual setup is doing to them.

Back to my recent interview, I was asked about my knowledge of community resources and I named a few, but I wanted to say, “I am a very good community resource”. I didn’t though even though I am a very good resource for families here in Yuma. I was interviewing for a case manager job in a medical facility for treatment of mental illness and although I said I would never work in those places again, that is where I have been interviewing for jobs! I simply go with the flow and ended up in community mental health agencies.

So, here on my website, I am safe to say that I am an excellent resource for families here in Yuma or anywhere in our world who are experiencing the challenges of the autism spectrum. Autism is a spiritual family setup. The child or children are not to blame. The parents are not to blame either. We need to understand this and blame it all on the spirits! Families become unknowingly involved in this spiritual setup that keeps everyone stuck in a nightmare situation. There is nothing the mental health people can do about autism. Their counseling sessions and groups do not help. Only a Universe Family Healer can remove the spiritual element from the family unit infested with spiritual energy.

Normal growth and development resumes once this spiritual barrier is purged. The entire family is involved in the healing process, not just the child. The family heals together. Medical professionals’ activities only enhance autism. Medical professionals cannot purge and merge the spirits into our Universe. Once the spiritual worlds are removed from the family, the autism set up is broken and cannot continue.

Those medical professionals involved with autism treatment are sent far away from families everywhere and have nothing to do with them anymore. Autism behavioral specialists are also removed and leave the area to find other victims to prey upon in other parts of the planet. They are really just scam artists and do nothing to heal away autism, so off they all go to other places. That is what is happening right now in my hometown Yuma, AZ, the place where autism is becoming extinct, naturally.

A Universe connection effectively removes the spiritual autism setup from a family. I have been able to prove this to myself over the past few years. However, the medical professionals are not offering healing as a valuable treatment. They never will because they are not connected to our Universe. Their time on planet Earth is fading out now because our Universe is controlling all spiritual worlds around humans, especially the medical realm which is really negative and a huge spiritual world all its own.

Universe Family Healing is 100% accurate and effective in removing the spiritual autism setups on families everywhere on our planet. One family at a time heals this problem away. Autism is on the road to extinction, finally!

I can assist families anywhere on this planet. I do this by a simple cell phone conversation. One Universe Family Healing session will connect your spiritual world to our Universe. Contact me via email to schedule a Universe Family Healing session:

