Purging Towards the Sun: On the Universe

This post was first published on May 9, 2014. Today, December 7, 2018, I am republishing it here with a few updates. I am still purging towards the sun.

When I am in the direct view of our sun, I am so connected to its magnetic field. I purge directly towards the sun! It is like magic, but totally real. It is an amazing phenomenon. I am documenting it here again because it is so powerful and mysterious that I want to keep talking about this on my blog. It is true that no one else is talking about this. I am sure that it is a totally new way of interacting with our real world. I am sure that I am the only one to do this. I cannot explain why I am the one. I only describe what is going on. Again, it is a phenomenological approach to this situation. I am living it and describing it. I know that it makes me feel so good! I feel energized. I feel wonderful.

The sun is also getting what it needs to go on. It needs this spiritual layering from me. It requires it to maintain its normal functioning and balance. The scientists will never agree with me. But then they are not me. They are not a Universe Family Healer. I feel that what they all say is not important at all, and in the future their research studies about the Universe will go away. No one will care what they say. It is apparent now when I read the posting on the internet. People are joking about the scientific studies all the time now. It is just one big joke!

That is all I wanted to say today. When I talk about being “on the universe”, I just mean that the universe is on, (like turned on again), open, and able to take this spiritual energy away from me. I guess this is what is needed to save a human existence. And so it goes on and on. I will always be here to purge this energy. I will live and be free of spiritual setups and spiritual living. I will not be a part of that spiritual world which still exists.

I will create my own living world. It will be safe and loving. The spiritual world is dying and will slowly fade away. It will take time, but it is happening now.  Because I am here though, life goes on and on.

There are no other planets like ours. The Universe is a dead place. It has this energy circulating around it but it is not life forming. It is like a spiritual waste center. Purging this spiritual energy just keeps us at a safe distance from our sun and that means that we can live. I know that the scientists do not say anything about this and never will. They will be part of the demise of the spiritual world. That is the truth.