Purging Towards the Sun: On the Universe

This post was first published on May 9, 2014. Today, December 7, 2018, I am republishing it here with a few updates. I am still purging towards the sun.

When I am in the direct view of our sun, I am so connected to its magnetic field. I purge directly towards the sun! It is like magic, but totally real. It is an amazing phenomenon. I am documenting it here again because it is so powerful and mysterious that I want to keep talking about this on my blog. It is true that no one else is talking about this. I am sure that it is a totally new way of interacting with our real world. I am sure that I am the only one to do this. I cannot explain why I am the one. I only describe what is going on. Again, it is a phenomenological approach to this situation. I am living it and describing it. I know that it makes me feel so good! I feel energized. I feel wonderful.

The sun is also getting what it needs to go on. It needs this spiritual layering from me. It requires it to maintain its normal functioning and balance. The scientists will never agree with me. But then they are not me. They are not a Universe Family Healer. I feel that what they all say is not important at all, and in the future their research studies about the Universe will go away. No one will care what they say. It is apparent now when I read the posting on the internet. People are joking about the scientific studies all the time now. It is just one big joke!

That is all I wanted to say today. When I talk about being “on the universe”, I just mean that the universe is on, (like turned on again), open, and able to take this spiritual energy away from me. I guess this is what is needed to save a human existence. And so it goes on and on. I will always be here to purge this energy. I will live and be free of spiritual setups and spiritual living. I will not be a part of that spiritual world which still exists.

I will create my own living world. It will be safe and loving. The spiritual world is dying and will slowly fade away. It will take time, but it is happening now.  Because I am here though, life goes on and on.

There are no other planets like ours. The Universe is a dead place. It has this energy circulating around it but it is not life forming. It is like a spiritual waste center. Purging this spiritual energy just keeps us at a safe distance from our sun and that means that we can live. I know that the scientists do not say anything about this and never will. They will be part of the demise of the spiritual world. That is the truth.

Feeling the Change in September

Right away, I am noticing how different I am feeling. It is like a new chapter opening up finally for me. A lot of past “times” have been purged in August. It is real. I can really feel the difference now. I know that somehow this month, September is opening up a new world for me.

I can move forward easily again. With those old milestones met and purged, there is nothing left of my spiritual world. There are no more times for those spirit set ups. The spirits cannot repeat their setups as they like to. They are done. They are purged and merged with our Universe.

I can feel it. I know it means this is my time finally. I mean this is the time of reality free from any spiritual ties. I can speak and people will listen and understand what I say. I am not the outsider. I am the right person to go to for information about our Universe and healing planet. I understand completely what is happening and can explain it simply so that everyone can understand.

I cannot make a mistake and I am safe in my homeland. Of course I am still purging spirits. They come to me from wherever and instantly go out to the Universe’s magnetic current. It is nonstop. There are no set ups left here in Yuma, AZ. I have purged them all.

Our Universe continues to remove the most heavily spiritually infested negative environments on this planet. It is easy to see this if you watch the news and see the big picture. The people in the news who have the most negative energies are being purged. They react differently now and cannot control their power as it dwindles away. This will continue until all spiritual energy setups on the planet are purged. There is no “off” button with our Universe. Once our Universe is active and involved it cannot be turned off.

I continue to go with the flow in September and do exactly as I feel. I am not stopped at all. I am moving forward in Universe Family Healing. It is important to realize that Universe Time is so powerful and in control of our world. Hopefully more humans will begin to understand Universe Time as purging continues. I am always here to answer any questions freely and will continue to blog and create the awareness of our healing world.


The Urge to Purge Is Back

As a result of that nasty wave of spirit energy that came through 5 days ago, the world is now in a state of active purging again. I mean, like getting rid of stuff you no longer want or need. All of that stuff (i.e. personal belongings) has energies attached to it.

I have purged personal belongings for many years now but even now I still had something to purge! It was my coffee maker and sun tea jar. I had to get rid of those items recently because I no longer drink coffee or tea items. I cannot consume caffeine anymore as it is not a healthy lifestyle choice for me. I stopped eating chocolate too. It is not hard if you just let it happen at the right time. You don’t think about it at all because those nasty energies are gone from your world. Unhealthy habits simply fade out when you are on Universe Time and actively purging your spirit layers On the Universe.

So I hope that those of you who read my blog and have been following me a little are into your purging time. It is a very fun part of Universe Time because it feels so good! As we all go with the flow, more and more of us will be living solely on Universe Time. We will all be living, not dying. It is how our world was supposed to be.


040808: On The Universe

10 years ago today, the spirits were chanting a date to me: 040808. I really had no idea what that meant. In 2008, I was not thinking much about the Universe. I was not blogging. But, I was aware that I was healing.

Now 10 years later, there is no chant, but the date is here. So I make a quick post to document today. I am fully aware that today is significant for me. I am now living safe at home in Yuma. I no longer have those bad people around me. I have successfully removed them from my world simply by purging spirits into our Universe. This is a very safe and easy way to get rid of bad people.

The chant repeated over and over: 040408, On the Universe. Apparently the spirits knew about the Universe but I did not. I still am not sure where spirits evolved from, but I will definitely know the truth about everything someday. And that someday is just ahead of me.

I am confident that April 2018 is a fabulous month for me. I understand so much more now than I did 10 years ago. The more I purge and heal, the more I know. That’s how it works on the Universe.

Spirit setups are virtually gone from my life. I am purging spiritual energies from anywhere. I cannot choose what spirits come my way. The spirit energy is here with me momentarily and then merged with our outside atmosphere. I guess this continues until all of the spirit energy is removed.

That is all I know for now.



Universal Family Healing Is the Future Of Our World

The old ways are stopping now. The old spiritual set ups do not work anymore. I have successfully stopped all of the spiritual games from completing in my world. I have done everything. I feel it and know that this is the end of the spiritual time for us. I have a universal connection that is so real and strong, it simply wipes out all the negativity around me instantly. As the negative energy arrives it is pulled away and gone. I forget about it really.. And go on and do whatever I was doing. The bothersome energies of the spirits do not exist in my world. I have made my world so safe and calm…

Now, who else can say these things? Most of the human race is caught in the spiritual web and is clueless to what is really going on… But, not here where I am. Universal healing is intact and constantly purging and merging spiritual energy. This is normal and routine now. It is how it is supposed to be on this planet..I am certain that this is the time for us, the time for real Healers on this planet..And we are all living in the North, (North California). That is where the real Healers live now. And it is permanent!

I can feel it and know that I am safe again. I am not involved in any spirit games. I can live here comfortably and safely. I can purge and merge spiritual energy without any interruptions. It is the life I was meant to live and I am finally living it. And as a result, my family is doing the same thing too. I have purged and merged all of their spiritual energies. So, nothing bad happens to any of us ever… What a reality this is!

Universal Family Healing works, one family at a time. Once your family is really purging out their spiritual lives, you can feel safe again. You will adjust to a natural and easy way of living. You will have a stable and permanent home. Your life will become less technical and more natural, but that feels good. You are surrounded only by your real family and that feels good too. You have no worries because you are living with your real family, and therefore nothing ever goes wrong..

The spiritual games do not work in a universal family.. So, family by family, the universal world grows and lives.. Universality is all that exists here in my world. It is the future. It tells me that the future is real and stable. Spirituality is gone forever. Spirituality was here, once upon a time, but that time is over…..Good bye to all those spirit games and people who played them. They die and their spiritual energies are purged and merged and that removes spirituality more and more… It is that simple.

The Spirits Are Defeated Here in My World: I am in Total Control of Them…

Once upon a time, I was living in the spiritual world. I was on a controlled, setup time frame and did not know it. The spirits set up our days while we sleep. Did you know that? It is part of the sleep cycle… What a freaky mess spirits are…Somehow, I escaped and managed to take my sons with me. I separated myself from the evil environment I was living in. It took several years to do this… It was not easy. It was challenging and difficult. I was fearful many times and could not understand what was going on with me. I was changing so much.. I had to figure things out for myself as no one could tell me what I was becoming…There was no wise person to explain to me that I was really a powerful Healer purging spiritual energy. I only realized this after several years.

It is easy to explain this all now on my blog, but in the early beginnings it was all very confusing.. The spirits made up everything in our world and doubled it with their negativity. It was hard to separate from it but I did…I did this as a single mom, all by myself. I used my own mind to make important financial decisions. I did not rely on the specialists of the day. I did not depend on any man. I became more in tune with my own feelings and just knew what I needed to do. My confidence slowly grew….,

I purged spiritual energy and still do. Now, my purging is easy.. It is automatic. It is not based on any ritual or conditions of weather. It is always on….I always feel the pulling and hear the spiritual sounds.. That reassures me that my universal connection is intact…

Purging means the spiritual energies around me are pulled away from me and merged with the universal energies of the vast universe. So, I hear the spiritual sounds outside my window and way out there somewhere, On the Universe!… That is what is so amazing! Spiritual energy is not part of our natural universe. It is an alien web like formation, a bubble like condition that is dependent upon a human body for its existence. That is why I call it a parasitic spiritual infestation… The human race is extremely infested with spiritual energy…. It needs humans to grow this web and interact. As you stay away from negative people, you lose the web and the spiritual connection…That is how you ultimately heal and live..

You may be wondering about this. Not too many people are understanding this, but some do.  I know what I say is real and unusual. But, I am only speaking the truth about what I know. I continue to figure things out on the way. Again, there is no one to guide me here. No one is telling me how it will go. It is all brand new….There is no way to know what the future is going to be, except that it will exist… Life will continue because Universal Healing is here….



Ending the Spiritual Age: the Universal Age is Here

I see very little change on the Internet regarding spirituality. I see virtually nothing there moving away from the darkness of that time on the internet… It is only going to get worse there. The news exploits all the negative stuff. There is no mentioning of positivity or goodness there.. But I will talk about it here on firsthealer.com. I am only talking about that… I read the news less and less these days. I stop going to certain websites which are nothing but junk.. I do not miss reading about those celebrity people anymore. I do not care what happens to them.. I only am concerned with my family… And that feels good too.

There is a universal age reborn. It is alive and intact. It is not a fad or a scam.. Once you are actively purging your spiritual world, it does not return ever. It is a one way ticket on the universe…And that is how life will go on. There is a small group of Healers in the north which are living and purging all the time. And this is how we live. We do not care about the rest of the world which is highly negative and dying away rapidly.. We are not trying to “save”them either. It is way beyond that now… But, the planet Earth will live because of universal healing and this is a certainty…I do not care if very few people read my blog. I only write this because it feels good to talk about universality out in the open..

It also helps with my healing ability every time I post something. It makes the natural world even stronger..The spirits are defeated around here. I have total control of them and they are rapidly pulled out of my home and environment. They cannot do anything to make it negative now. It is amazing that my powers have gotten to this level, but after all this time, of course I am going to be able to say that. I have been doing this for several years now… I am not just starting.

This is the only real Universal Healing website. All of the others are highly spiritual. I do not go there and talk to those healers about what they do. I let them live out their short existence and then purge their spiritual energies. One by one, their energies are all purged. It may take more time, but I have all the time now. There is no limits on time. There are no spiritual setups or spiritual games controlling my world . There is only the Universe happily pulling the energies away from us, the real humans… And this is why we have such wonderful weather here in North California and no worries on our minds…..

Now, as I have said before, this is available to all good humans. You must understand that there is a long and difficult time ahead once you start purging. But, once you start you will live…. That is for sure.. If you feel like this is what is going on in your life right now, you can certainly contact me for a healing consultation. I am available. There is nothing to fear about this as long as you are a real human. You are going to be part of the living world. The Universal Age is really just a living time which does not stop. The history of ages is over….Once the spirits are purged, only reality remains.

The Return of Positivity: Universe Family Healing Does This!

Your family’s Universe healing process allows the return of the positive energies that have been overpowered for a very long time. All this means is that the Universe is in control once again and removes the negative spiritual energy from your world. Every family has their own set up spiritual world right now. This is how a spiritual environment is created. It needs other people close by to construct its angles and web. These entities call humans “angels” and use their brain and body to live and multiply..It is a real phenomenon… But of course, when you are so surrounded by it, you do not realize it is even there…You are under its control totally!

Now, when one family member escapes even a little from this magnetic negative web, the spiritual setups are not intact and disintegrate. It is happening with my family right now and because it was a seven-year cycle this time, a major shift is occurring in my world! All of the spiritual energy is purged this time from my world onto the universe because I have established such a strong and powerful connection. There is no turning back the other way for us. There will never be a return to a spiritual world for us.. We have ended spirituality in our world! Now, I know that no one else talks about this like I do because no one else is as far along as I am… I am leading the way here.

Your family can benefit from Universe Family Healing too. It is not something that is exclusively mine. I was just able to break away and get it going again… As a result, I am able to see everything clearly without anxiety or frustration. I make decisions confidently and know what to say and do in any given situation. This can be your reality too. It is available for all good humans of this planet. Only the good humans will live. The evil spiritual humans will die and their energies are being purged one at a time…

Universal Family Healing Creates Living Worlds, One Family At A Time

When you are connected to the universal energies, you are actively purging all of your spiritual energies. This also affects other members of your family! They begin purging their spiritual energies too. This is because you are all connected by this negative energy web and when it is altered by the universe it starts collapsing very quickly. I have seen this happen many times with my family!

We see a return to a natural way of living. The only real way to live is by nature, not by technology. You will feel a need to stop using all those techy devices that have been around you. I mean, all the cell phones and computer stuff becomes less important. And of course, the TV is nonexistent in a universal family! Cars become more of a big hassle! These things are not important anymore when you purge your energies. Since these things are products of a very negative world, you find them boring and useless…So they are less important to you. And as a result you get along without them just fine!

You find yourself wanting to create a safe home. And this takes a lot of endurance and clear thinking. You also want your family around you, your real family. This is all that happens when you purge out your spiritual energies. Only your real family stays connected to you!! And this feels so good! You will also reconnect with a new family that is really yours too but was kept away from you for a very long time. You were not at fault for this. It was the spiritual energies setting up a false life for you..

Universal Family Healing is here now and it is happening all the time, creating universal families… I feel it is controlling our world more and more.. There will not be any other kind of family soon. All of the spiritual controls over fake families are falling apart.. There are no other controlling factors that can be used to hinder a real family from coming together and staying together now…

Feeling Good- The Sun Does It!

There is always so much bad stuff said and written about the sun these days. I am tired of hearing it really. Those people who are always talking down the sun are very spiritual people. They hide themselves in the sun and cover up their faces. They are the ones getting skin cancers all the time..They are more spiritual than human. Their time is over now.

I know that the sun is not a bad thing at all. The sun is the greatest Healer of them all.. When I sit in the sun, its powerful rays are all over me, pulling the spiritual energy away.. I am so connected to the sun and always have been. This tells me that I have always been a Healer, but did not really know it. I was not aware of my true healing ability. I am now, but it took me many years to be here where I am today…

We are fortunate to have the best weather conditions in North California. I am so positive it has to do with spiritual energy purging! I feel that weather conditions are controlled spiritually too…But not here where I live. The natural living world has taken control back and we have gorgeous weather..I am happy that we are having a very early spring. The sun is shining brightly. I know it is going to be a very good and prosperous year for me and my family. I know because the sun is here with me.

A real human Universal Healer like me must have this powerful connection with the sun. I work with the sun to establish a bond and continually purge this negative energy towards it. This allows our world to be safe and secure. Purging spiritual energy stabilizes the magnetic fields around the universe. This means our sun will not die and we will live on. Without this recycling of spiritual energy, the sun will get hotter and hotter and the Earth will die, as what happened on other planets. Purging spiritual energy on the universe balances everything nicely!

Now, there is this constant flow of spiritual energy onto the universe. The sun is supplied with magnetic energy.. This is what real Universal Healing really is, feeding the sun! You may read other people’s words who say they are Universal Healing, but they are not saying the things I say and I know they are not doing the things I do. This is my personal concept of Universal Healing. It makes logical sense to me. I am experiencing this phenomenon all the time and documenting what happens to me here on my blog. I do not care if scientists on this planet are not interested in this theory of mine. That is their own business. I do what I do and it works..