Spirits Have Never Been Purged Into Our Universe

Can you believe it? Spirits have never been purged ever. Up until now that is. I purge spirits into our Universe constantly, 24/7.

No one else has ever done this at any time in human history. I can tell because of how we have lived and died throughout the ages. There has never been spirit purging before in human history. It is hard for me to understand this. I can’t understand why this never happened before. With all of the healing that was done in the past by others, it seems that their healing methods were not effective at all.

So, because there has never been real effective spirit purging, the amount of spiritual entities is so large and immense that it is going to take a very long time to purge and merge all of the spirits here on our planet. Universe Family Healing will make this happen. The spirits are being eradicated from our planet Earth. Fortunately, here on this planet we have real Healers alive and well. This is how the spiritual invasion and infestation is removed slowly over time.

I am the only person right now talking about this. I am continuing to post here on my blog/website and frequently update and note the progress of Universe Family Healing. There is a lot of purging to be done but that just means job security for me. There is so much of it everywhere still. I am hoping that soon more and more people are going to be aware of this problem and read all about it on my blog. I want as many people as possible to become aware of the spiritual problem here on Earth.

Getting rid of the spiritual invasion is at the top of my to do list. I am always surrounded by purging spirits. They have no control over me at all. They’re always moving as they merge with our outside atmosphere. There are no more spirit setups around me. That time is long gone. I feel the flow of their energy fields as gritty liquid sandpaper being pulled away from my hands and feet and body.

My healing modality is 100% accurate and very effective. Immediate results are felt. I know instantly where to remove the energy field around any human. I can do this in person or by phone. It is so easy for me now. I can help as many people as possible and there is no limit. So, if you are interested in getting rid of your spirit energies, contact me. I can connect your spirit energies to our Universe. This is how you will begin to heal and change your life to a real and positive one.

Get connected and live!




Healing Away Spiritual Autism

Universe Family Healing effectively treats spiritual autism. In fact, it is very easy for me to completely remove the autism setup that has invaded a family. Spiritual autism is not just a problem for a child. It is a family problem and must be looked at that way.

There are many so-called behavioral specialists around these days who claim to be able to work with autistic children. All they do is make the autism problem get worse. There is nothing good that they do. They are very highly negative individuals trying to control the autism spectrum. Doctors, speech pathologists, psychologists, etc. cannot do what I do.

I laugh at the whole thing because I know that it has been under spiritual control for a very long time. Even those medical “specialists” are under spiritual control. That is why the whole autism problem is being eliminated by our Universe. It is a very negative spiritual game disrupting the birth family. Spirits love to make birth families unhappy.

Birth families involved with spiritual autism almost always get their support from medical and behavioral specialists who cannot remove the spiritual setup. These specialists have their own spiritual energies which combine with the families and allow this nonsense to go on.

There is no effective medical or behavioral treatment for autism. Only Universe Family Healing removes the problem completely and sends those spirits to purge and merge with our Universe. There is no reason for parents to be sad anymore. The unusual behaviors and mannerisms associated with autism disappear quickly. The child regresses a little. Then normal development returns. It is that simple. Yes, it is.

Parents must be able to find alternative methods to deal with the autism spectrum. The medical profession must fade in the background and let the real healing of the Universe take control. I am here to help whomever contacts me. I know I can make a positive change for the family. I explain the process. There is a regression. That is normal and related to the spiritual layers purging away. Normal human development was inhibited due to this spiritual layer.

Universe Family Healing removes the spiritual layers allowing normal development to return. The entire family heals together.  Universe Family Healing makes this problem, spiritual autism, extinct. Only Universe Family Healing completely removes the spirits that have set up in the family. Spirits need families under their control to live. Spirits are human parasites.

Universe Family Healing is a highly effective treatment for spiritual autism. My healing is 100% accurate. Contact me for a Universe Family Healing session.


My World Changed Again, For The Good

And I was a bit surprised, but I understand that I am going with the flow.  The spiritual mess that was around me for so very long purged and merged onto the Universe. I  am now self-employed and will remain that way. I am no longer in the spiritual unemployment realm. I left that place yesterday when I received an important email.

I am not going to be working for the state of AZ after all. Thank goodness! I had to live through all of the spiritual setups supporting unemployment: all of the job searches, and interviews which led to nothing! I purged them all. That will never happen again to me. I will never be under the control of a spiritual work environment again. I am my own boss now.

I am self-employed as a Universe Family Healer. It feels very good to know that no one has control over me and my natural abilities. I continue to do what I was born to do, heal. I know this is the right way to go. It is the only way to go for me. It is my livelihood. I will always be here and do my healing to help others.

I am home. I am safe. This is where I live and where I heal others. I heal our world all of the time from the safety and comfort of my home. I enjoy healing and helping others to heal. I can do this all of the time now. There is nothing else in front of me except healing and being me: Healer.

Universe TIme is in full control of our world. I continue to move out the spiritual part that caused so much pain and sorrow in the past. One day spirits will not be here at all. The spiritual age is ending very quickly now. The age of reality is here to stay. You can be a part of this real world. You can be relieved of the darkness. No more mental illness or physical disorders requiring surgery. All that gets purged away.

Get connected to our Universe. It is easy now and very simple. You can do this for a one time fee of $250.00.  The rewards in doing this are invaluable. Our Universe wants all of the spiritual energy back in its enormous magnetic current where it belongs. Spirits are parasites. Spirits must be removed from our planet.

Why go to the doctor when you can have all of that pain and suffering removed for a one time fee. Doctors cannot heal away your spiritual barriers. They are not connected to our Universe, yet they will take vast amounts of money from you and leave you feeling worse. However, I am very real and can help you purge your own spiritual world. Every human on this planet has a spirit world around them needs to be purged.

Just reading my words here on my blog is not doing it. You must establish a direct energy connection with me. I do this by phone call. I appreciate that you are reading my blog and getting informed about my healing service. The next step is to contact me via email or phone to set up your appointment for a phone healing session.

Moving Forward Is Really Easy

I call it moving forward in Universe Time. Each day is a new day and a real day. I know what I need to do on that day. I make sure I do what is needed and then I am done. I relax. I feel good. This is very different than how I used to live my life. But in the old days, I was controlled by a spiritual energy field.

Nowadays I control the spiritual energy fields that come my way. These spirits are from other people. I instantly am able to move those spirits onto the Universe. I am not stuck with anyone’s energies. Those spirits are just here for a moment and then gone. I know what is going to happen most of the time.

I feel good because of that knowing. I have achieved a knowing ability because I am purging spirits from the planet. I can purge and merge spirits because the Universe is right here with me. I am thoroughly connected to the Universe’s powerful magnetic field. I cannot fall down like many others are doing right now.

I call it falling down when a person cannot continue illegal activities anymore. Falling down means the person is instantly dealt a reality blow that makes one small and controlled by the good forces of the Universe. This is happening all around me right now. I can tell that those rotten people are finally going to fall down. I am seeing it with my own eyes. I have been patiently waiting for this time.

Moving forward happens automatically when you have a Universe connection. The bad people end up falling down and are moved out of your way. They were only there because they were highly negative spiritual people controlled by a nasty spiritual energy field. Once their bubble is broken, they are instantly removed from sight. That is really happening now. A lot of this is going on in our healing world.

I had a fantastic job interview this week for a very good state of AZ job. I have completed all of the remaining tasks associated with that interview. I have to wait a little bit longer but there are no obstacles in my way. There are no traps.

Spiritual traps are the negative setups that try to control your life. I navigated around the traps and I have only good people encouraging me on. This is how real life is. The bad people were making our world die, but they are not in control of us anymore. They are weak and doomed. They fall down and simply disappear. Life is easy as it should be.

I am available to help you connect to our Universe. I am a very powerful Universe Family Healer. I have these abilities naturally by birth. I was never trained in my healing abilities. I am just being me. Now I am able to help others connect and get rid of their spirits.

Contact me below if you want to have a conversation about Universe Family Healing. I can certainly help you and tell you what I know. As we are talking I establish this powerful connection with you to our Universe. This interaction starts you on your Universe life. You will experience changes because the Universe is automatically removing the spiritual layers around you.

As each spiritual layer is removed a good change happens. It is not a time for fear in fact, fear is just a spiritual layer that is purged. Universe human beings do not have fear. This is a great relief for us as we have always been heavily covered over with this fear and anxiety layer. It leaves very quickly now.

As the layers of spirits leave, you will have a great sense of calm and relief. You will start doing things the right way. Your diet will change. Your activities will change. You will leave those toxic relationships far behind you. You will be healthy and happy automatically. You will never see a doctor again for anything. And, you will know automatically the right things to do. No one is ever going to be in control of you. It is that simple. Now, who doesn’t want to live this way?



The “Luck” is Gone For The Negative People

Amazing that this is happening right now. I see it at home around me and on the news. There are so many accounts of wrongs being righted everywhere. And it is just as it should be right now for we are finally living in a powerful Universe Time. Those people who always had it easy are having it very hard now. Their luck is gone. They are done forever.

Luck is just a spiritual setup and once those spiritual luck energies are purged, the right things happen automatically. The truth is easy to see. The spiritual masks are gone. The protection is over. This phenomenon occurs now because our Universe is active and working very well. Our Universe has complete open access to the spirits who have invaded our world! Our Universe is that atmosphere outside our windows.

What does that mean? Well our Universe has a very powerful magnetic current. This current is positive and makes our Universe stable. Stability is important because we are just a small part of our Universe, but we have had an overabundance of negative energies surrounding our planet. This energy is spiritual. It is not a living energy. Spiritual energy makes people and planets die.

So our Universe is here to remove this life-sucking energy from our world. I hope this makes complete sense to you. It is very easy to understand these days. That is why people in general love to hear about our Universe.

But, the scientists do not talk about the Universe like this. Only I do because I am a Universe Family Healer. Scientists will continue to try and explain about the Universe in weird ways. It is very unnecessary to listen to the scientists as they make no sense. Their explanations sound like science fiction because that’s what it really is. It makes no difference if they continue to deny what I say. Universe Family Healing happens anyway and soon they will not be listened at all. They will succumb to the powerful current of the Universe too.

I felt it necessary to talk about spiritual luck today as I see it disappearing rapidly from our world. All that remains is the truth, with life and love for good people everywhere. We will not be stopped in our healing. It continues unaltered and without delay. We are assured that more good things are happening everyday now. We can feel good again and relax as our families reunite and have fun living and working together in a safe world.





Feeling the Change in September

Right away, I am noticing how different I am feeling. It is like a new chapter opening up finally for me. A lot of past “times” have been purged in August. It is real. I can really feel the difference now. I know that somehow this month, September is opening up a new world for me.

I can move forward easily again. With those old milestones met and purged, there is nothing left of my spiritual world. There are no more times for those spirit set ups. The spirits cannot repeat their setups as they like to. They are done. They are purged and merged with our Universe.

I can feel it. I know it means this is my time finally. I mean this is the time of reality free from any spiritual ties. I can speak and people will listen and understand what I say. I am not the outsider. I am the right person to go to for information about our Universe and healing planet. I understand completely what is happening and can explain it simply so that everyone can understand.

I cannot make a mistake and I am safe in my homeland. Of course I am still purging spirits. They come to me from wherever and instantly go out to the Universe’s magnetic current. It is nonstop. There are no set ups left here in Yuma, AZ. I have purged them all.

Our Universe continues to remove the most heavily spiritually infested negative environments on this planet. It is easy to see this if you watch the news and see the big picture. The people in the news who have the most negative energies are being purged. They react differently now and cannot control their power as it dwindles away. This will continue until all spiritual energy setups on the planet are purged. There is no “off” button with our Universe. Once our Universe is active and involved it cannot be turned off.

I continue to go with the flow in September and do exactly as I feel. I am not stopped at all. I am moving forward in Universe Family Healing. It is important to realize that Universe Time is so powerful and in control of our world. Hopefully more humans will begin to understand Universe Time as purging continues. I am always here to answer any questions freely and will continue to blog and create the awareness of our healing world.


On Universe Time, Going With The Flow

I have blogged a few times about “going with the flow”. Its meaning differs with everybody. I have already decided that for me, it is the flow of the Universe, the real Universe energy pattern which is always around me now.  I feel so protected by this energy field which is always available to me. I never have any fear. I am completely surrounded by a positive flow of natural magnetic energy from our Universe. I cannot stop it. The Universe is in total control. Thank goodness! I am safe and secure as a result of this totally natural phenomenon.

Universe Time is in control. Universe energy is in total control. Universe takes away spirits. Spirit energy is diminishing greatly as a result. It has been a long and difficult journey for me. I have had to deal with an enormous amount of negative situations including some of the most horrible people. I have been able to move away from them and not be in harm’s way as a result. It is not wise for a Universe Family Healer to stay around nasty, negative, unpredictable people.

So, my life is calm and quiet. I am not in the middle of any dangerous situations. I am instead observing the results of our Universe Time. It is fun to watch the results and not be in the middle. I can keep moving forward towards my family and sustain myself at the same time. I feel that this was a very difficult thing for others to do in the past. I mean, others like me. But I have succeeded and continue to gather my family back together. That is the goal of Universe Family Healing. This healing is not for intimate, romantic relationships. In fact, most of those relationships are highly spiritual and break up as a result of Universe Time.

This healing  is solely for reuniting real Universe families. Do not contact me if you want to have your romantic relationship healed. All that will happen is a break up…

However, if you feel you are needing to reconnect with your birth family, then you have found the right person to help you. I can certainly help you with this situation. Especially those of us with very little information about our birth families, as in my case. Many of us were never told we were “adopted”. Many of us were simply taken away and given to other people with little caring and very little, if any records.  And many of us have been lied to over and over throughout our lives.  It was only through this healing process that I even knew I was not raised by my birth family. I only figured this out within the last decade or so. Mine was a life spent in a fantasy land with no reality.

Fortunately, I am a powerful Universe Family Healer. I never knew this either. Now I know everything. I can help others too, but I am still moving forward towards my real life. I am sure it is right there in front of me. I have to live out this year and into the next and that is when I finally reconnect with all of my family again.

No one else is writing about this phenomenon except me. I only write my experiences here on my blog. I share my life experiences here so it can be documented as real. I am sure others will also have similar experiences in their lives too. It is how our world transforms now. We are creating a real world. It is not something we have had before.

The spirits have been here invading humans for an extremely long time. But, as I have blogged, spirits are human parasites and cause human death. Universe Family Healing allows the spirits to die instead. We are finally getting rid of spirits!

Please feel free to contact me at:



Universe Family Healing Cleans Up the Workplace

This is what I am experiencing right now. The reality of the Universe in my workplace. What an incredible and powerful force. I observe negative set ups falling apart before my eyes. What was once standard procedures for dealing with problems eliminated because of their negative non-productivity. I see this all first hand and know that I can continue in a workplace again and be totally on top. I see absolutely no problems in my working world.

I am mentioning this today because it continues to get easier and more fun at work. I know that Universe Family Healing can help other people too who are having difficulties with toxic work environments.

In the past, Healers have had many difficulties in the workplace and negative people have had all the control. Not any longer. I wanted to document this today because I am actively employed helping others and it is working out so well. This is the first time I have been at work in April for many years! This means that all of the rest of this year is getting even better and better. My work activities continue to make positive changes. I do not have obstacles. I am totally successful.

If you experience toxic and negative work environments, you are definitely not in control of your world and face possible financial difficulties. Once you have connected your spiritual energies to our Universe, the bad people simply fade out. They are not there at work anymore.