I Walk Through The Negative World And It Collapses Behind Me

One thing I have found out through the years is never let go of my normal routine. I am able to continue on and not be threatened or swayed by the spiritual energy setups around me.

Routines are positive human activities such as work and school. Rituals are not human routines. Rituals are spiritual activities. Spiritual alien activities came from other worlds that have died. Somehow, these spirit activities have continued here on Earth, trying to keep itself going. Spiritual worlds always die. But that will not happen here on my planet!

I have been able to overcome and purge my spiritual activities. I am in control of the spiritual world around me, instead of the spirits in control. That is how I have been able to survive and return to my homeland. Universe Family Healing took me away from the negative world I was stuck in and moved me home. I left California after being controlled there for over 55 years!

I am a very independent person. I do not need guidance of any kind. I always know what to do. My living world grows and remains safe and comfortable in even the most extreme negative environments.

The Universe removes spiritual energy. I am connected directly to the Universe. I feel the constant flow of energy through my hands, feet, and body. I am totally in control of whatever situation I become involved in. My healing modality, Universe Family Healing is constant and permanent.

I have no fear. The negative world is behind me, constantly breaking apart. The spirit setups cannot repeat their cycle of threes, so spirit setups are gone from this year! Every year, this continues. There will be less spiritual control over human lives as a result.

This process of purging and merging the spirits into our Universe allows humans to live a very good life. And this will never stop now. Universe Family Healing is 100% accurate and effective in removing the spiritual worlds around humans. The negative worlds around humans collapse and are taken away by our Universe. I can help any human on our planet get rid of their spiritual world.

Contact me to schedule your Universe Family Healing session:



Julia Angel

Universe Family Healer