Universe Transition Time- Moving Away from Toxic Environments

During Universe Time we experience many transitions. This includes changes in living places, workplaces, etc. The transitions occur because we are not in the right place at all. The transition happens because our Universe removed the spiritual barriers keeping us in a negative set up. Once the spirits are broken up and purged, the spirit setup ends and becomes toxic and unsafe.

That is the time to leave! I call these times Universe Transition Times because all of a sudden we find ourselves going through changes. And that can be a little challenging but it is also very safe and secure. Going with the flow is a good way to handle Universe Transition Times. There is always only one safe way to go. There is never a time when you are in danger! This is so true and unlike a spiritual game which is so full of serious threats and negative events.

Universe Transition Time is a very active time. Many people will experience Universe Transition Times and will just let them happen. It is not really something you can stop. But it is good to understand the etiology behind it all. There is a real phenomenon going on here. The Universe pulls off all of that negative spirit energy from you and lets you move away quite easily to safety. You will have to do some purging of your belongings too and lighten your load. But you will be able to keep what is very necessary such as family pictures, etc.

My family continues to experience Universe Transition Times. I encourage my sons to work together to make their lives comfortable and safe during these changes. I know that eventually we will all be back together though. That is all that happens with Universe Family Healing.

Universe Families are very powerful families because we have the Universe on our side and just know what is the right thing to do at any given time. We cannot be in bad situations at all. It is the people who are not connected to the Universe that suffer from the spirits around them. They are controlled and therefore succumb to spirit setups. Many people are still highly spiritual and do not even realize this is going on. In fact I would say the majority of the world’s population is totally unaware about how spiritually controlled their lives are right are. That is the truth, sadly.

I am commenting today on Transition and Change. These are common during Universe Time and always takes us to a better place and safer world. Eventually we come back together and live in a new Universe where spirit worlds simply do not exist. We are all heading in that direction no matter where we are living right now. Thankfully, spirit worlds are becoming extinct everyday because we have our Universe open and actively working all of the time.