My World Changed Again, For The Good

And I was a bit surprised, but I understand that I am going with the flow.  The spiritual mess that was around me for so very long purged and merged onto the Universe. I  am now self-employed and will remain that way. I am no longer in the spiritual unemployment realm. I left that place yesterday when I received an important email.

I am not going to be working for the state of AZ after all. Thank goodness! I had to live through all of the spiritual setups supporting unemployment: all of the job searches, and interviews which led to nothing! I purged them all. That will never happen again to me. I will never be under the control of a spiritual work environment again. I am my own boss now.

I am self-employed as a Universe Family Healer. It feels very good to know that no one has control over me and my natural abilities. I continue to do what I was born to do, heal. I know this is the right way to go. It is the only way to go for me. It is my livelihood. I will always be here and do my healing to help others.

I am home. I am safe. This is where I live and where I heal others. I heal our world all of the time from the safety and comfort of my home. I enjoy healing and helping others to heal. I can do this all of the time now. There is nothing else in front of me except healing and being me: Healer.

Universe TIme is in full control of our world. I continue to move out the spiritual part that caused so much pain and sorrow in the past. One day spirits will not be here at all. The spiritual age is ending very quickly now. The age of reality is here to stay. You can be a part of this real world. You can be relieved of the darkness. No more mental illness or physical disorders requiring surgery. All that gets purged away.

Get connected to our Universe. It is easy now and very simple. You can do this for a one time fee of $250.00.  The rewards in doing this are invaluable. Our Universe wants all of the spiritual energy back in its enormous magnetic current where it belongs. Spirits are parasites. Spirits must be removed from our planet.

Why go to the doctor when you can have all of that pain and suffering removed for a one time fee. Doctors cannot heal away your spiritual barriers. They are not connected to our Universe, yet they will take vast amounts of money from you and leave you feeling worse. However, I am very real and can help you purge your own spiritual world. Every human on this planet has a spirit world around them needs to be purged.

Just reading my words here on my blog is not doing it. You must establish a direct energy connection with me. I do this by phone call. I appreciate that you are reading my blog and getting informed about my healing service. The next step is to contact me via email or phone to set up your appointment for a phone healing session.