Universe Time Ended War

This post was originally published over 2 years ago, June 6, 2019. I feel it is timely to repost this now. There will never be any wars again. In fact, right now I am purging the spirit world containing the war god Mars. Yes the spirits created this setup. This spirit world was never purged before. Now we will see less and less military activity everywhere and less interest in traveling to and studying the planet Mars.

June 6, 2019

Our world leaders are all meeting together right now in Europe to commemorate the 75th anniversary of D-Day. On June 6, 1944, allied forces joined together to invade northern France and take control of the Nazi stronghold in World War II. This joint effort was successful but unfortunately there was an enormous amount of lives lost in the invasion. We were living in a very Spiritual Time in those days. War has always been a product of Spiritual Time, throughout the ages. War has never been purged until now.

War cannot exist during Universe Time. Conflicts still arise but quietly fade out. Spiritual setups about wars still exist but because these setups are highly negative, our Universe grabs all of that spirit energy and moves it away from humans. So, as those people are gathering in Portsmouth to remember D-Day and honor our World War II veterans, their spiritual energies are being purged into our Universe.

This important reunion is helping us all purge war and war trauma from our planet Earth. I know that the people there in Portsmouth do not think about this at all. Most of them are not aware that it is now Universe Time. I know what is really happening and post about the power of Universe Time here on my blog.

Now we can watch and observe the changes in our world as we become a war free planet. Conflicts between countries may happen but are easily dealt with the right way. Weapons of mass destruction are dismantled and purged. We are all feeling so much better these days as the spirits continue to leave our planet.

No human wants to live through war again. That was a very tragic part of human existence as were other times when the spirits were in control. Now we control the spiritual invasion as our Universe is open and accepting all of the spiritual energy on our planet. We certainly do not want or need any spirit involvement. We simply purge out the spirit worlds around each human and our lives are constantly made safer and healthier.

Universe Time is the time right now when our Universe is actively in control of all of spirit worlds around humans. Our Universe removes the spiritual layers and war trauma is leaving forever. War traumas were here for a very long time repeating war after war. There was no one purging out the trauma layers and so wars continued.

Nowadays wars are extinct. Universe Family Healing ended the war cycle. No one else did this but me. No other Healer in the entire history of our planet Earth purged out their spiritual world. I am the only Healer to do this effectively and blog about it. I am the first healer to do this and made Universe Time a reality, not just a dream. We are all living in a safe time now, Universe Time.

My Universe Time Is Not For The Faint Of Heart

I have experienced so many challenging events during my healing time. I survived by going with the flow and found that nothing bad happened! I could not fall down and die. It is truly amazing. I was successful in creating Universe Time! Once I understood what I was doing it all made so much sense to me.

There was no one around anywhere to tell me what was happening. I had to live through each day and finally understand the big picture. Finally, I could see what I was doing and how it affected my world. I was also able to explain it in simple terms, this amazing and natural phenomenon called Universe Family Healing.

The terminology emerged as I moved along. I began saying purging and merging. I began saying Universe Time. I talked about purging spiritual worlds around humans. I am the first human who has ever done this. I am told this all of the time by the spirits. I am the first healer to purge spirits away from human bodies completely. “No one has ever done this before”, spirits chant over and over.

Universe Time means just that. Universe Time means that our Universe’s magnetic current is involved on planet Earth now actively removing spiritual worlds around humans. I have a powerful connection to our Universe’s magnetic current. I am the connection that makes this all happen the right way.

Every human has a spiritual world surrounding them. We all became infested with spiritual energy because there was so much spiritual energy everywhere. Healers never effectively purged spiritual energy in the past. They were not powerful enough to do this the right way. They just collected it around their bodies and never released it into our Universe. They did not have a Universe connection. That made our planet highly spiritual. But of course that is all over. Our planet is not contained in a Spiritual Time now.

I continue to live each day even when the days are not much fun. Even when there is not much money and the days are hot (115ยบ). I know that I am only a few days away from changes again. The climate here in Yuma cools down and more fun times are opening up for me and my family. I have now lived through 3 very hot summers in Yuma and not used air conditioning. I just keep my windows open all of the time.

Now I can do this because I am a native to this town. I can certainly survive it. I am hoping that as a result of me doing this that our climate changes for the good. In fact, I am sure that it does. Climate has been spiritually controlled for a very long time. All of the purging I am doing is getting rid of the spiritual control over climate here in Yuma which is located in the Sonoran desert.

And so, as the extreme temperatures of Yuma summertime fade away,  I will experience a powerful change in my family and financial status. I know this is happening very soon. I have made it happen by just being here and living each day. I am confident that I will be employed soon and many good people will be around me. The bad people that are hanging on will be gone. That is the only thing that happens now.

Here is a video of a spiritual energy interaction that I taped recently. This is real. It may make you feel a little afraid, but remember, the spiritual energy is purging and leaving our planet. So, have a little first hand experience of what spiritual energy is by watching this short video. You will understand better what I do and maybe you will contact me for a Universe Family Healing session. I get rid of spiritual energy setups in homes and around humans.



First Family On the Universe

This morning that is the chant I am hearing from the spirits: “First family on the Universe.” I have heard it before a little, but today it seems significant. Everyday now is exciting! Parts of my body are purging that have never purged before. Two days ago, my lower left back had a sore spot which purged, and now my left side rib area is sore and that means it’s purging!

The spiritual being or world set up around me is methodically being dismantled by the Universe. I am documenting it here so I have some place to state how this happens. There is a sequence to this purging and I am experiencing it right now. I am finally getting rid of my spiritual being!

It seems my family and I are the first humans to purge and merge our spiritual beings into our Universe. I am the first healer to do this, so my family becomes the first family to purge out their spiritual worlds. I also call these spirit worlds, spiritual beings because it is like a spiritual set up on a human body.

Some people have a very extensive and deep spiritual being and some people have several beings so they end up with multiple personalities. This explains a lot about why people can act and exhibit all kinds of personalities. Their spiritual beings are in control of their human body. It may sound cool, but all it does is age a human into death. These spiritual beings usually take over when a human is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Once humans start to purge out their spiritual being, they lose all of those enhanced abilities that spirits were controlling. The spiritual beings were also causing a human to do harmful activities. Purging spiritual beings gets rid of all unsafe and unhealthy lifestyles. The real human being emerges and that is what’s happening right now. We live safely as real humans when our spiritual beings are purged.

So, there are “first families” in royalty and governments, but I am stating here that my family and I, the first Universe family Healers, are the First Family on the Universe! And the spirits are telling me this too. That is really something!

I can help your family get there too. Contact me by email to set up your Universe Family Healing session:





Purging Towards the Sun: On the Universe

This post was first published on May 9, 2014. Today, December 7, 2018, I am republishing it here with a few updates. I am still purging towards the sun.

When I am in the direct view of our sun, I am so connected to its magnetic field. I purge directly towards the sun! It is like magic, but totally real. It is an amazing phenomenon. I am documenting it here again because it is so powerful and mysterious that I want to keep talking about this on my blog. It is true that no one else is talking about this. I am sure that it is a totally new way of interacting with our real world. I am sure that I am the only one to do this. I cannot explain why I am the one. I only describe what is going on. Again, it is a phenomenological approach to this situation. I am living it and describing it. I know that it makes me feel so good! I feel energized. I feel wonderful.

The sun is also getting what it needs to go on. It needs this spiritual layering from me. It requires it to maintain its normal functioning and balance. The scientists will never agree with me. But then they are not me. They are not a Universe Family Healer. I feel that what they all say is not important at all, and in the future their research studies about the Universe will go away. No one will care what they say. It is apparent now when I read the posting on the internet. People are joking about the scientific studies all the time now. It is just one big joke!

That is all I wanted to say today. When I talk about being “on the universe”, I just mean that the universe is on, (like turned on again), open, and able to take this spiritual energy away from me. I guess this is what is needed to save a human existence. And so it goes on and on. I will always be here to purge this energy. I will live and be free of spiritual setups and spiritual living. I will not be a part of that spiritual world which still exists.

I will create my own living world. It will be safe and loving. The spiritual world is dying and will slowly fade away. It will take time, but it is happening now.  Because I am here though, life goes on and on.

There are no other planets like ours. The Universe is a dead place. It has this energy circulating around it but it is not life forming. It is like a spiritual waste center. Purging this spiritual energy just keeps us at a safe distance from our sun and that means that we can live. I know that the scientists do not say anything about this and never will. They will be part of the demise of the spiritual world. That is the truth.

When You Realize You Have Been Deceived…You Are Truly Universal!

As you heal away those negative spiritual layers that held you captive, the real truth emerges and is right there. You know you were lied to and deceived throughout your early life. You were not with the right family…You were put there without your knowledge or permission. You were taken away from your real family.

Your birth mother was in tears and never agreed to this separation. She was always in a state of sorrow and never could accept this happened. She was not one to be taken advantage of but it happened anyway! And so it goes in this world of spiritual setups and games. Yes, the human family unit was made into a spiritual game. And it was OK to put you somewhere else when you were little. You could not stop it. You were so small and vulnerable…

You were made to pretend all the time that you were someone else entirely! You were given a false name and birthdate. And this was all approved by the medical and legal profession! This was a scam against humanity that happened in the 1950s when babies were taken away from their moms and put into other households. It was deemed the “right thing to do” and a very bad time in our history because the best and brightest human infants were involved. The babies were all-powerful Healers and could not stop this horrendous activity. There were so many bad people (post-war) wanting to have instant families… And this was all legally allowed and encouraged…

Only in a highly spiritual world does this kind of thing happen and only with Universe Family Healing does this sham get exposed and blown apart into tiny little microscopic pieces…They cannot make us into their “spiritual angels” anymore. That time is gone..

This is what is happening right now!

Are you a child from the 1950s when this was happening? Do you feel like you have not been with your real family? I sure feel that way and I know that there are many others like us out there just now finding this out. It took me years to get to this realization… So I am not surprised that most of us still do not realize this.. But if I am here, I mean really here, then I know all of us will be here too..

It is not stopping now, this purging time. We are going to continue to purge spiritual energy and take control of this planet. We will not let our world die.. The spiritual energies are leaving and have no control over me. I control the spirits now… They cannot do anything to stop me….

The only thing the spirits do now is purge and merge onto the universe. That is my set up for them.

A Universal Family is in Total Control of Their World..

Trying to make it out their on your own is hazardous these days. The idea is this: Raise your children and then they move out on their own.. They get sent away to college at an early age. They are supposed to move out and rent an enormously expensive apartment and survive landlord/tenant issues… Then they are supposed to have this great big job to buy a car and a huge house… That is the world today. It evolved into that spiritual jungle… That is only one version though. And that version is slowly degrading…

A universal family leaves that spiritual jungle. A family that is actively purging out spiritual energies will not go that route. It is just too ridiculous. There are no other words for it. I see this over and over with families falling into this set up and living out their lives as if this is the right way.. It is not the right way at all. It is only a spiritual game to trap young people and make their lives miserable. And people pretend all the time that it is the right thing to do, until tragedy strikes… Oh well, they tried at least…

Instead, the universal family is able to live simply and naturally. These spiritual games are not played out with the young people. They are not pushed into awkward and dangerous situations. They are supported and loved and cared for no matter what age they are.. Age has no meaning really when you are universal. You remain very young in a universal world…

Your family stays with you and together you live and support each other. You rely less and less on friends and other acquaintances. Those other people are not very well-connected to you when you are universally healing and purging. They simply fade away… And as a result, your develop more connections with other families who are like you. There are other families around you who are also universally healing. They are not as aware of this phenomenon maybe, but it is still happening. Universal healing and spiritual energy purging is a real natural phenomenon and will not stop.

The spiritual world cannot stop spiritual energy purging….

Universal Family Healing Is the Future Of Our World

The old ways are stopping now. The old spiritual set ups do not work anymore. I have successfully stopped all of the spiritual games from completing in my world. I have done everything. I feel it and know that this is the end of the spiritual time for us. I have a universal connection that is so real and strong, it simply wipes out all the negativity around me instantly. As the negative energy arrives it is pulled away and gone. I forget about it really.. And go on and do whatever I was doing. The bothersome energies of the spirits do not exist in my world. I have made my world so safe and calm…

Now, who else can say these things? Most of the human race is caught in the spiritual web and is clueless to what is really going on… But, not here where I am. Universal healing is intact and constantly purging and merging spiritual energy. This is normal and routine now. It is how it is supposed to be on this planet..I am certain that this is the time for us, the time for real Healers on this planet..And we are all living in the North, (North California). That is where the real Healers live now. And it is permanent!

I can feel it and know that I am safe again. I am not involved in any spirit games. I can live here comfortably and safely. I can purge and merge spiritual energy without any interruptions. It is the life I was meant to live and I am finally living it. And as a result, my family is doing the same thing too. I have purged and merged all of their spiritual energies. So, nothing bad happens to any of us ever… What a reality this is!

Universal Family Healing works, one family at a time. Once your family is really purging out their spiritual lives, you can feel safe again. You will adjust to a natural and easy way of living. You will have a stable and permanent home. Your life will become less technical and more natural, but that feels good. You are surrounded only by your real family and that feels good too. You have no worries because you are living with your real family, and therefore nothing ever goes wrong..

The spiritual games do not work in a universal family.. So, family by family, the universal world grows and lives.. Universality is all that exists here in my world. It is the future. It tells me that the future is real and stable. Spirituality is gone forever. Spirituality was here, once upon a time, but that time is over…..Good bye to all those spirit games and people who played them. They die and their spiritual energies are purged and merged and that removes spirituality more and more… It is that simple.

The Spiritual Game is Called Angels Versus Devils: Are You Involved In This?

In the spiritual game of good versus evil, the characters are played out with real humans. Some of these people are called angels and some are called devils… I became involved in this “game” when I took on the last name of Angel a few years ago… I thought it was appropriate for me at the time. I legally changed my name to Julia Angel. This is still my real legal name now. It is not a stage name or anything like that… And as a result I was able to use my incredible healing and purging abilities to end the evil in my world… The secret to ending evil is in the purging of spiritual energy. Evil has existed because it was allowed to exist. It is that plain and simple. And if you read evil backwards, it spells live…. There is a reason for that too… Once you realize the spiritual set ups of this world, it all crumbles…I was married to someone name Del for a very long time. I now realize this name is short for the word “devil”….So you see how this works? He was a devil for sure…

Evil is not able to exist anymore in my world. It was all about this spiritual web and setting up everything during a human’s sleep cycle. As you are healing and purging your spiritual web, you find yourself waking up more and more during this spiritually active time. It is usually about 4 AM in the morning… Your natural body is trying to stop the cycle of spiritual setting up.. I went through this a long time ago and recently I am experiencing it again on a very limited basis. And this time. the purging is so powerful that nothing is being set up for me and my family. We are the “first family” to ever live free of spiritual set ups and spiritual games. The angels have defeated the devils finally in this reality game of good versus evil… There is no other way to defeat evil in reality. You simply purge out the spiritual energies around you that are keeping you in contact with the negative people..

These negative people are highly spiritual and will try to destroy you in any way they can.. It may be financially, or socially, or intimately, but they will try to stop you, the good angels of the world, from existing… As you go on through your purging process, it is not really that big of a deal anymore.. It is rather a minor inconvenience to wake up early and purge out the dream like setups that are trying to be real…I remember trying to stay awake all night to end the spiritual setups. I remember sleeping outside all night too.. I did all these things because it felt like the right thing to do. You do as you feel along the way..It works..

In the game of Angels versus Devils, I have won… And as a result I am in total control of the spiritual world that kept me captive for my entire life… That is what universal healing does for you… Now, why wouldn’t you want to become universal? Who would still want to be spiritual in nature? It is the grossest thing ever to be spiritual…..

The Spirits Are Defeated Here in My World: I am in Total Control of Them…

Once upon a time, I was living in the spiritual world. I was on a controlled, setup time frame and did not know it. The spirits set up our days while we sleep. Did you know that? It is part of the sleep cycle… What a freaky mess spirits are…Somehow, I escaped and managed to take my sons with me. I separated myself from the evil environment I was living in. It took several years to do this… It was not easy. It was challenging and difficult. I was fearful many times and could not understand what was going on with me. I was changing so much.. I had to figure things out for myself as no one could tell me what I was becoming…There was no wise person to explain to me that I was really a powerful Healer purging spiritual energy. I only realized this after several years.

It is easy to explain this all now on my blog, but in the early beginnings it was all very confusing.. The spirits made up everything in our world and doubled it with their negativity. It was hard to separate from it but I did…I did this as a single mom, all by myself. I used my own mind to make important financial decisions. I did not rely on the specialists of the day. I did not depend on any man. I became more in tune with my own feelings and just knew what I needed to do. My confidence slowly grew….,

I purged spiritual energy and still do. Now, my purging is easy.. It is automatic. It is not based on any ritual or conditions of weather. It is always on….I always feel the pulling and hear the spiritual sounds.. That reassures me that my universal connection is intact…

Purging means the spiritual energies around me are pulled away from me and merged with the universal energies of the vast universe. So, I hear the spiritual sounds outside my window and way out there somewhere, On the Universe!… That is what is so amazing! Spiritual energy is not part of our natural universe. It is an alien web like formation, a bubble like condition that is dependent upon a human body for its existence. That is why I call it a parasitic spiritual infestation… The human race is extremely infested with spiritual energy…. It needs humans to grow this web and interact. As you stay away from negative people, you lose the web and the spiritual connection…That is how you ultimately heal and live..

You may be wondering about this. Not too many people are understanding this, but some do.  I know what I say is real and unusual. But, I am only speaking the truth about what I know. I continue to figure things out on the way. Again, there is no one to guide me here. No one is telling me how it will go. It is all brand new….There is no way to know what the future is going to be, except that it will exist… Life will continue because Universal Healing is here….



Ending the Spiritual Age: the Universal Age is Here

I see very little change on the Internet regarding spirituality. I see virtually nothing there moving away from the darkness of that time on the internet… It is only going to get worse there. The news exploits all the negative stuff. There is no mentioning of positivity or goodness there.. But I will talk about it here on firsthealer.com. I am only talking about that… I read the news less and less these days. I stop going to certain websites which are nothing but junk.. I do not miss reading about those celebrity people anymore. I do not care what happens to them.. I only am concerned with my family… And that feels good too.

There is a universal age reborn. It is alive and intact. It is not a fad or a scam.. Once you are actively purging your spiritual world, it does not return ever. It is a one way ticket on the universe…And that is how life will go on. There is a small group of Healers in the north which are living and purging all the time. And this is how we live. We do not care about the rest of the world which is highly negative and dying away rapidly.. We are not trying to “save”them either. It is way beyond that now… But, the planet Earth will live because of universal healing and this is a certainty…I do not care if very few people read my blog. I only write this because it feels good to talk about universality out in the open..

It also helps with my healing ability every time I post something. It makes the natural world even stronger..The spirits are defeated around here. I have total control of them and they are rapidly pulled out of my home and environment. They cannot do anything to make it negative now. It is amazing that my powers have gotten to this level, but after all this time, of course I am going to be able to say that. I have been doing this for several years now… I am not just starting.

This is the only real Universal Healing website. All of the others are highly spiritual. I do not go there and talk to those healers about what they do. I let them live out their short existence and then purge their spiritual energies. One by one, their energies are all purged. It may take more time, but I have all the time now. There is no limits on time. There are no spiritual setups or spiritual games controlling my world . There is only the Universe happily pulling the energies away from us, the real humans… And this is why we have such wonderful weather here in North California and no worries on our minds…..

Now, as I have said before, this is available to all good humans. You must understand that there is a long and difficult time ahead once you start purging. But, once you start you will live…. That is for sure.. If you feel like this is what is going on in your life right now, you can certainly contact me for a healing consultation. I am available. There is nothing to fear about this as long as you are a real human. You are going to be part of the living world. The Universal Age is really just a living time which does not stop. The history of ages is over….Once the spirits are purged, only reality remains.