Excited To See This New Year, 2024, Beginning

Alright, so that very odd 2023 year of events is over. Now I am seeing the total opposite of last year. I pretty much have forgotten all about 2023. There were events that happened that I was very shocked to see happen. I cannot wait for this year to unfold now. I know it will be the exact polar opposite in many ways, financial and familial. I am so happy we finally lived through all those other years to 2024. The reason I am so happy about this is that all my family’s spirit worlds are now purged through my Universe Portal.

The switch from one year to the next used to be quite a negative time. The first 2 months of every year tended to be a negative setup time for me but not anymore. I have successfully removed all of the spirit setups now. I am seeing us all having more fun and nothing else but that. My focus is on fun times and financial gains for all of us. I am including not only my family but all of my clients who became Universe connected directly through me over the past several years.

So this means that January is all about fun and freedom from spirituality forever. This goes for February and every month thereafter. In fact, there are no more months in which spirituality is controlling me. We feel a sense of relief knowing that it is all worth it to have this Universe connection and be allowed to live a real, safe, and fun life, forever.

In fact, I am already seeing this fun part unfold in front of me. I recently found some very hard to find yarn colorways which I never even knew existed available now to purchase. I am so happy to be finally completing this part of my healing, remaking my beautiful and now rather large collection of shawls, i.e. Healer Wraps. There are very few colorways left which I need to complete my Healer Wraps collection. I am assuming these colorways will suddenly and easily be made available to me. This is happening right now, no delay.

Universe Time in 2024 is just getting better and better. I am only reporting what has happened so far. I am going to update this year frequently with all the fun and exciting events. This year will be nothing like the years in the past. This is finally the year that we are free of spirituality and everything goes our way.

It’s a wonderful time. Our Universe is open and accepting spirit worlds easily and endlessly from humans on planet Earth. I have the Universe Portal that gets these spirits out of our way. So if you really want to live a real and fun life forever, get in touch with me right away. I’ll take care of this for you. I am the only real Universe Family Healer that has done this.

