When You Realize You Have Been Deceived…You Are Truly Universal!

As you heal away those negative spiritual layers that held you captive, the real truth emerges and is right there. You know you were lied to and deceived throughout your early life. You were not with the right family…You were put there without your knowledge or permission. You were taken away from your real family.

Your birth mother was in tears and never agreed to this separation. She was always in a state of sorrow and never could accept this happened. She was not one to be taken advantage of but it happened anyway! And so it goes in this world of spiritual setups and games. Yes, the human family unit was made into a spiritual game. And it was OK to put you somewhere else when you were little. You could not stop it. You were so small and vulnerable…

You were made to pretend all the time that you were someone else entirely! You were given a false name and birthdate. And this was all approved by the medical and legal profession! This was a scam against humanity that happened in the 1950s when babies were taken away from their moms and put into other households. It was deemed the “right thing to do” and a very bad time in our history because the best and brightest human infants were involved. The babies were all-powerful Healers and could not stop this horrendous activity. There were so many bad people (post-war) wanting to have instant families… And this was all legally allowed and encouraged…

Only in a highly spiritual world does this kind of thing happen and only with Universe Family Healing does this sham get exposed and blown apart into tiny little microscopic pieces…They cannot make us into their “spiritual angels” anymore. That time is gone..

This is what is happening right now!

Are you a child from the 1950s when this was happening? Do you feel like you have not been with your real family? I sure feel that way and I know that there are many others like us out there just now finding this out. It took me years to get to this realization… So I am not surprised that most of us still do not realize this.. But if I am here, I mean really here, then I know all of us will be here too..

It is not stopping now, this purging time. We are going to continue to purge spiritual energy and take control of this planet. We will not let our world die.. The spiritual energies are leaving and have no control over me. I control the spirits now… They cannot do anything to stop me….

The only thing the spirits do now is purge and merge onto the universe. That is my set up for them.