Feeling the Change in September

Right away, I am noticing how different I am feeling. It is like a new chapter opening up finally for me. A lot of past “times” have been purged in August. It is real. I can really feel the difference now. I know that somehow this month, September is opening up a new world for me.

I can move forward easily again. With those old milestones met and purged, there is nothing left of my spiritual world. There are no more times for those spirit set ups. The spirits cannot repeat their setups as they like to. They are done. They are purged and merged with our Universe.

I can feel it. I know it means this is my time finally. I mean this is the time of reality free from any spiritual ties. I can speak and people will listen and understand what I say. I am not the outsider. I am the right person to go to for information about our Universe and healing planet. I understand completely what is happening and can explain it simply so that everyone can understand.

I cannot make a mistake and I am safe in my homeland. Of course I am still purging spirits. They come to me from wherever and instantly go out to the Universe’s magnetic current. It is nonstop. There are no set ups left here in Yuma, AZ. I have purged them all.

Our Universe continues to remove the most heavily spiritually infested negative environments on this planet. It is easy to see this if you watch the news and see the big picture. The people in the news who have the most negative energies are being purged. They react differently now and cannot control their power as it dwindles away. This will continue until all spiritual energy setups on the planet are purged. There is no “off” button with our Universe. Once our Universe is active and involved it cannot be turned off.

I continue to go with the flow in September and do exactly as I feel. I am not stopped at all. I am moving forward in Universe Family Healing. It is important to realize that Universe Time is so powerful and in control of our world. Hopefully more humans will begin to understand Universe Time as purging continues. I am always here to answer any questions freely and will continue to blog and create the awareness of our healing world.