On The Third Day Of Summer

Wow, I made it to summertime 2019. That is a real accomplishment for me.

I always loved summer. I loved everything about summertime. I loved the weather, the beach, the time off from school. It seems I have been a big school set up for so long now. It seems I cannot get away from school setups. But I am trying.

The heat is welcoming to me. I am not afraid of the sun or the warm air. I always feel better in the summer. Maybe I was really born in the summer. I am trying to find out a lot of things that were hidden from me. I do not know who my real birth parents are yet. I am not sure what my real name is and I really would like to know when my real birthday is too. All of these things are still not available to me at this moment.

I continue to move forward in Universe Family Healing. I am one of the stolen babies from last century. I know I was not raised by my real birth family. I just know. It is very difficult to find out anything about my birth time here in Yuma. I am doing what I can but I know that a lot was hidden and destroyed. As long as I am purging spirits I know that someday all of these questions will be answered. I am 60 years old now. It is about time to know the complete truth about everything!

I am not held captive anymore by my spiritual world. I have overcome a spiritual existence easily and all of those times in my past are only little memories. None of those spirits can do anything to me now. They are so small and insignificant. They used to be very large and encircled our planet. I know that is no longer the case. I have succeeded in breaking up that spirit world and it is doomed. And it knows it too.

I am in control of those spirits that were with me all of my life. I purge them easily no matter how many times they replicate themselves. I simply get rid of them automatically 24/7. They cannot manufacture more of themselves fast enough. Now they are trying to make cycles of 4 but all that happens is those spirits are purged too. What a very weak attempt- cycles of 4 now. It doesn’t do anything. Spirit cycles of 4 get purged too.

I am happy that I am back in my home land. I have made progress. It is now 3 1/2 years back in Yuma. Surely soon more information will become available to me. I have been doing so much healing around here. I have helped so many people heal this year. Everyday it seems someone else is coming around me who needs some healing. I do help them and hope that I get something good in return.

Anyways, it is summertime and it is my favorite time of all. And every day of summer is going to help me move closer to my birth family.

Truths are Told And Denial is Purged

There are truths being told everywhere today.

I have always been one to tell the truth. I have always said that the truth is all that matters. I know this is a powerful way to release a spiritual energy layer we call denial. Once the truth is told in the public arena, the denial layers are broken and purged. Spirits create denial. Spirits are the only reason we have problems with denial. In the past, denial layers could not be broken. Denial was only enhanced more and more.

Now, that is not happening. The denial layers are purging and all that remains is reality. Truth and reality are pretty much the same thing. A person who is powerful in our world and speaks the truth is doing a very good Universe function. Telling the truth is making our country and other places on our planet livable and safe. No more will the criminals have power to be who they are. The real criminals are exposed and put away. Humans cannot and will not tolerate criminals in our world.

Universe Time, (the time when our Universe is in control of the spiritual setups on every human), is in full control now. Truths are spoken and believed and work continues uninterrupted. The truths that are being told today are accepted because they are real. Universe Time makes this happen! What a good feeling that is, to know the truth.

Now, we will see the return of cooperative exchanges between leaders of our countries. We see that there is true honesty and support to help each other but also respect our differences and maintain boundaries. The countries that have not been doing things correctly are learning to do so. They are young in many ways but learning and growing up the right way now.

Spiritual barriers have caused these highly spiritual countries to make the wrong decisions and do the wrong things. Their spiritual barriers are going away. There is a great deal of change going on in the highly spiritual places on our planet. The truths are out in the open now and their spiritual barriers are purging rapidly! This healing process, Universe Family Healing, allows our planet to be at peace. Wars and weapons are products of a highly spiritual word and are in the past now.

Once denial is gone from our world completely, our planet Earth becomes young again. Universe Time is in full control. Our planet is healing, and truth-telling rules the day. Thank goodness for Universe Family Healing!