When You Realize You Have Been Deceived…You Are Truly Universal!

As you heal away those negative spiritual layers that held you captive, the real truth emerges and is right there. You know you were lied to and deceived throughout your early life. You were not with the right family…You were put there without your knowledge or permission. You were taken away from your real family.

Your birth mother was in tears and never agreed to this separation. She was always in a state of sorrow and never could accept this happened. She was not one to be taken advantage of but it happened anyway! And so it goes in this world of spiritual setups and games. Yes, the human family unit was made into a spiritual game. And it was OK to put you somewhere else when you were little. You could not stop it. You were so small and vulnerable…

You were made to pretend all the time that you were someone else entirely! You were given a false name and birthdate. And this was all approved by the medical and legal profession! This was a scam against humanity that happened in the 1950s when babies were taken away from their moms and put into other households. It was deemed the “right thing to do” and a very bad time in our history because the best and brightest human infants were involved. The babies were all-powerful Healers and could not stop this horrendous activity. There were so many bad people (post-war) wanting to have instant families… And this was all legally allowed and encouraged…

Only in a highly spiritual world does this kind of thing happen and only with Universe Family Healing does this sham get exposed and blown apart into tiny little microscopic pieces…They cannot make us into their “spiritual angels” anymore. That time is gone..

This is what is happening right now!

Are you a child from the 1950s when this was happening? Do you feel like you have not been with your real family? I sure feel that way and I know that there are many others like us out there just now finding this out. It took me years to get to this realization… So I am not surprised that most of us still do not realize this.. But if I am here, I mean really here, then I know all of us will be here too..

It is not stopping now, this purging time. We are going to continue to purge spiritual energy and take control of this planet. We will not let our world die.. The spiritual energies are leaving and have no control over me. I control the spirits now… They cannot do anything to stop me….

The only thing the spirits do now is purge and merge onto the universe. That is my set up for them.

Real Healers Are the Stolen Babies From the Past…. (Updated)

01/21/2020 Updated:

I see that there is some interest in this post recently. I want to add some information here because it feels like the right time to do this. On my birth certificate, my name is listed as Julia Ann Kaplan, DOB is 11-09-58. Parents are listed as: Charles B. Kaplan, MD and Elizabeth Ellen Starr (but she always was called Bette). I know these 2 people are not my real birth parents. I know there is another birth certificate around here somewhere in Yuma, AZ with my real name, birthdate, and parents on it. If any of this information sounds familiar to you, then please contact me at universefamilyhealing@gmail.com. I am patiently waiting for your email.😊

12/31/17  I wrote this post over 3 years ago when I was finally realizing I was not raised by my birth family. I was still living in Marin County. I did some research but found nothing. I contacted a few people and learned nothing. And now I have returned to my hometown, Yuma, AZ. It was only because I am a powerful Universe Family Healer that I came back to my homeland. I am still searching for my birth family and making a little progress.

The disgusting truth remains very clear, that babies were legally stolen from birth moms last century ( i.e. legalized kidnapping). It is almost unreal, a spiritual nightmare that came true. But, it will not ever happen again. I can not imagine having one of my babies taken away from me by a social worker simply because I was not married or considered too young.  Only Universe Family Healing purges away the trauma and sadness that this injustice brought to my family.

06/25/14 Have not heard from Ann Fessler. Guess she is not really into responding to someone who tells the truth. That is OK Ann. I just do things differently than you. I do not keep secrets from people. I do not make money on this horrific time in our history. I just post the truth about it on my blog and things change around the right way without your help…. That is what really happens now. I know that the more I speak the truth in my new world , the faster these bad people will die, and their spiritual energies will be released and gone forever. This allows my world to become the normal world again. My world does not have any spiritual energy and it is only by death that these energies are removed completely…What a comforting thought that is for me!

06/20/14 I just emailed Ann Fessler who wrote a book  (The Girls Who Went Away) about the era in our past history when babies were stolen from their mothers without the mother’s knowledge or permission.. She apparently was able to find her real birth mother. But I told her that there are still thousands of people who are just starting to realize that they are not around their real families. And that this tragedy is only really beginning to become  common knowledge. I just wanted to update my blog post about this. I hope that I will be one of the many stolen babies soon who will be reunited with my real biological family.   This is my email:

I Am One of The Stolen Babies

Dear Ann,

I am hoping you my have some insight into this. I just recently figured out that I was adopted (or stolen illegally). I was not ever told this. It is still a very big “secret”. I am 55 years old. The only reason I know this and am telling you this is because I am a Healer and was able to purge all the spiritual energy layers that were covering this horrible secret up. This lady who calls herself my mother is unfortunately still alive. She is one of the biggest liars and criminals ever born. I want to assure you of that. She will never admit that this happened. There are no records anywhere. I stay far away from her and have had no interaction with her for several years. That is how I was able to purge away all this bad energy to the truth.

Now, what should I do? I have a blog: www.firsthealer.com. But it seems so impossible to find my birth family. I am hoping that by posting about this on my blog, and continuing to purge out all the spiritual energy layers surrounding this cover up,  they will eventually find me. There are thousands of people like me Ann. You know this. We, the stolen babies, are all just discovering the crimes against humanity that were done to our mothers. I understand what happened now. I hold no grudges or anger. I am way beyond that and way beyond that fake family I was around through out my earlier life. Having my own children showed me what a real mother child bond is. To be forced into giving up your baby is the worst thing that could ever happen to a human female.

Anyway, I know you are very involved in exposing  this tragedy. I want to help. I am blogging about it now and will continue to speak out about this atrocity. Thank goodness you are here and trying to get this more opened up. It needs to be told over and over in the public arena until all the real families are reunited. I hope you understand Ann. This is what changes our world.
Thank you again and take good care,
Julia Angel


I imagine that there have been other Healers like myself through the ages. I also know how difficult their lives must have been. I look back on my own personal life and understand that the odds are stacked up against real Healers. I am saying this right now, because I know I was adopted. I was never told this though. It has and still is being kept a “Big Secret”. But, this secret is not secure anymore.  I can tell that I was adopted, because I gave birth to my own children. I have three handsome  and healthy adult sons and a handsome and healthy kitty and I know what a maternal child bond really is. I do not have that with this lady who says she is my mother. I do not have any feelings or connections to my supposed  “siblings” either. I know that as a result of me purging out this spiritual energy, it allowed the negative unreal bonds of this fake family to fade away. That is how I know I was stolen from my birth mother.

This was quite common in the 1950s. Single mothers were treated like dirt. They were made to feel very bad about themselves. They were made to feel unworthy. They were forced to give their babies away. This is sickening to think about, but that is really what happened. I could not imagine doing that. It would be so painful. And I am sure that so many women suffered tremendously during this time. It is a trauma that cannot be fixed. It is like a big hole in your heart. This was a very bad time for young unwed mothers. This is when all that formula feeding took over. There was so much of this criminal adoption going on during this time. I am certain I was one of these babies stolen away. I am not sure whether my birth date was altered but I believe it was. It is so frustrating to try and figure this out. It was all done so secretly and records were legally altered and hidden away! The truth was ignored. It was accepted and perfectly legal to lie about the baby’s birth records and biological family. No wonder we have so many problems today in this world with crime and corruption.

And now, even though I have all this tremendous healing/purging ability, I still cannot find my real family that easily. I was told that I was born in Yuma, Arizona, on November 9, 1958, at 8:40 PM at Parkview Hospital.  That is all I know.  I have a birth certificate with that information. But again, I do not believe that it is telling the truth about me.  These records can easily be wrong. I believe I was actually born in the summer up here in Northern California. That is were I ended up on my purging journey.  And there easily could be a real birth certificate in some file somewhere around here!

It feels so impossible to figure this out. I really wish I  could have contact with my real birth family though. I know that they are much like me and we could live on and be very happy. But again, it is so hard to find them. How do you find them? So I just post here and hope that maybe through  all this purging, they will find me. And I know that others are in this same situation as I am. And are frustrated too. I have been around liars and criminals all my life up until the last 9 years. I was able to get away from them finally and really start purging the spiritual  energy field which has kept me from who I really am. It seems impossible, but at least I am talking about this out in the open now. And that is a very good start to finding my real family.

I hope this gets easier as time  goes on to find my real biological family. I feel that I may have a brother. I hope we  can meet someday and live on. That is all I can say about this for now. I currently live in Novato, CA so if you are out there real family, please let me know. I am missing you too.. I am alive and doing very well. And  I understand completely what happened.. I hold no bad feelings. We just need to go on and do the job that we were meant to do.  Healers are here to stay. We will never be apart again..But for now, my real family is right here in my little home and we continue to live on and on, purging out the evil energies of this disgusting world around us…

I am here and always will be. I am at home to make sure that evil is defeated forever…