This Is My February

Finally a February which is all mine. Whatever happens this February is happening the right way, the Universe way. I am so relieved to know this is happening. Let me explain about all this.

I have blogged before about our 12 month calendar and how we are so used to it now. A very long time ago the calendar was not as it is today. Actually the calendar used to be a 10 month version (Gregorian) but it was not quite accurate enough for the Romans of the time.

During 713 B.C. Roman King Numa Pompilius added January and February at the beginning of the calendar in order to align the calendar with the lunar cycle. This was based on how long the Earth took to travel around the sun. Actually, these 2 months were added spiritually in order to have time to ensure that spiritual setups were in control of the planet. Spiritual worlds controlled the king to do this. Spirituality was strong and so was astrology, etc. You can see how this happened.

That is why the first 2 months of each year tend to be rather negative for people like me who are purging everything spiritual out of here. Finally this year, the spirit setups around me and my family are not in control at all. I have overcome the setups of the calendar and know that one day we will not be living under the control of the 12 month calendar. It will simply fade away and not be important at all.

I hope this easily explains what is happening right now in an understandable fashion. The spiritual years are fading everywhere. Universe Time makes sure that any calendar setups are no longer intact and instead are completely unimportant. Holidays become less and less celebrated etc. I know this is how it happens because my interest in celebrating holidays has faded over the past several years. I no longer celebrate holidays. It was not a conscious decision on my part either. It simply faded away as so many other spiritually created setups do with Universe Family Healing.

My Universe journey explained many things to me as I lived through it all. I stayed here on Earth as the spirit worlds left forever. I had to live through my Universe journey to be able to see the big picture and make it all completely understandable to humans everywhere. We have been enmeshed in spirituality for the ages but not anymore. Spirituality is now in our past and will not return and gain control. Spirit worlds are parasites lost in our Universe somewhere without their number one host- human beings.