Universe Family Healing: A Panacea In Action

Panacea: A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases (definition from Oxford Languages)

I had to live through many years of healing to be able to say this about my healing modality. I had to live through all of the spirit worlds that were put upon me throughout my lifetime. Now, I can see that I have been healing all of those spiritual setups year by year. On this very last day of 2022, I am getting my sense of smell and taste back! I experienced some kind of horrendous but amazing purging of my face (i.e. eyes and nose) over the past month. My smell and taste senses were gone for awhile. However, I knew that these would return eventually. I know that this result is due to the powerful Universe Family Healing I just experienced. I also know that I will never have to experience this again. It is over and done, thank goodness.

There are so many things that can be completely healed away now. It is totally possible to get rid of most every kind of human ailment the spirit worlds created for us. I read that the scientists are pretty sure what causes the loss of smell and taste and I laugh at them. The scientists are still totally disregarding the reality that is happening in front of their eyes. Their denial is so huge that it may take a very long time for that to be purged away completely. If you are experiencing loss of smell and taste right now, you need to have a Universe Family Healing session. This will totally remove the negative spiritual involvement taking place in your body, specifically your head area. That is where the spiritual infestation is the heaviest these days.

I just had to continue to document what I experience and how my healing is the right thing to do these days. A Universe Family Healing session removes all of the pandemic related problems from your human body. This is because the pandemic problems are spiritually controlled. When your spiritual world is removed via a Universe Family Healing session, so are the pandemic residual effects. It is that simple and easy.

There is never a re-occurrence either. There will be so many COVID variants in the future but none will affect those of us who have removed our spirit worlds. I document this here as it is real and totally possible to live a healthy life. The scientists or doctors will never tell you this. They are a part of this problem. As time goes on, these professions will become extinct as they are products of the dark ages. These so-called professionals will never admit the reality of what I do. It matters not because what I do continues on and on without their approval or agreement.

One year ends, another year begins. That is how this planet was set up spiritually. I live through each year and document what is happening in Universe Time. My Universe is alive and functioning as it should be functioning. I give back the spiritual worlds from planet Earth 24/7. Planet Earth releases all of the evil that spirit worlds brought here. Our spiritual alien invasion is decreasing year by year. Be a part of this living process by shedding your spirit world. That is the right thing to do right now. Get connected by contacting me. I am here to be the one and only Healer who serves our entire Universe. I am here to make sure our planet of humans lives forever.

Universe Time Is Well Established Now

Definition of Universe Time:

Our Universe, (the magnetic current in our atmosphere), is in control of all spiritual worlds around humans. 

I have been back here in my homeland, Yuma, AZ, USA, for almost 3 1/2 years. I have lived through each day and kept moving forward throughout this time. I have not fallen down. I always go with the flow. I have lived a very simple life as a result. I have survived quite easily because I am connected to our Universe. Nothing bad ever happens to me or my family. I have been able to establish a real and powerful Universe Time. I have reached this very important goal. No other Healer has ever done this before.

As the first week of June 2019 is ending, I know that there is some negativity around me right now that is actively purging and merging into our Universe. This weak control effort by the spiritual world around me is being put out where it needs to be, into our Universe. This spiritual world is moving quickly today and although I know it is with me right now, it is not stuck in place and constantly in movement.

So, I rest and relax and it moves even faster away from me. I hear it complaining as it knows it is done. It takes a very long time to purge out the spiritual world of a Healer. I am the First Healer to do this completely on our planet Earth. The spiritual world that was with me all of of my life is completely broken and almost gone. Spirit setups that are still around me are ineffective. I am pretty much ignoring all of that and just do what I need to do. I feel no anxiety or fear.

Universe Time is well established on planet Earth. I do not believe other planets were ever able to have a real Universe Time. We are fortunate that now all spiritual worlds are purging around humans and leaving our planet forever. Spirits will never return here to Earth again. They cannot live on a planet with Universe Family Healers alive and well. Spirits are so done. Their existence is over. They end up being absorbed into our Universe’s magnetic current.

Spiritual invasions have happened to other worlds. Spirits are a type of alien life form that is practically invisible. Spirits easily set up their parasitic lifestyle on living human bodies. Humans never realize what is happening until it is too late. Other planets were not able to remove their spiritual invasion. Spirituality essentially ended life on other planets a very long time ago.

We are a truly a refugee planet which means the remnants of those other human worlds ended up here. That is why we have so many different races of humans! It is OK because this is the planet of Healers. We can all live together peacefully forever. Life will always continue on planet Earth. There is no need to find another place for humans to live. Universe Family Healers are alive and purging out spiritual worlds all of the time. As a result of continuous spiritual energy purging, the spiritual invasion on planet Earth is over permanently.








The Political World Stage is Crumbling Away

Universe Family Healing is allowing our planet to heal and grow up again the right way. Spiritual control over our world leaders is fading fast as evidence of real healing emerges and is seen in plain view. Social media allows this to be observed daily. There is always a change somewhere which is demonstrating how Universe Family Healing is involved in improving our health and safety on planet Earth. When the spiritually controlled leaders are removed from power, a new group of people take control and as a result we will have a very happy and healthy existence.

Those people in politics have always been under spiritual control. As the spirits are purged from their bodies and minds, changes occur which means sometimes they leave their political life. This is automatic and always happens at the right time as all things do during a powerful Universe Time. Our Universe is cleaning up our planet and that includes our very spiritually infested political systems not just here in the USA but in other parts of the world as well. Universe Time means our Universe is in full control of all of the spiritual worlds around humans and is actively purging them away.

We adjust and go with the flow as these changes occur. We know that is it just the Universe doing the right thing and no one really complains about that. Our Universe is not a human being. Our Universe is a massive positive energy current taking spiritual energy away from our living planet Earth.

How can we be against that action? Who would not want our Universe to be able to do this very important function without interruption? This is the Universe allowing our planet to continue to live and not die out as other planets have in the past. Our Universe is the only way we can make sure that we are living and changing the right way by getting rid of the spiritual invasion.

Politicians are changing these days. Politicians have always been spiritually set up a certain way to do things. There was a very heavy spiritual setup in control of the political realm. But of course, because politics has always been spiritually controlled, it is highly negative and is now seeing what a powerful Universe Time means to them. Politicians have always been in a spiritual bubble and their bubble is no longer intact. It has burst wide open.

So, I watch and see what is going on and instantly understand that Universe Family Healing is the link that makes this all work out so well. The bad people in control are getting exposed and removed. Good people who are connected to our Universe will reach a higher level of power and aways do the right thing. Changes in the political structure of our world happens and really those political experts who comment about politics all of the time will just have to adjust and not even try to explain it all for once. They will need to stop and see the big picture too, and go with the flow.

No one can control our Universe. I cannot control it. Our Universe works automatically and in one direction. There is no stop or go button. It is always open now and doing what it does naturally, removing a spiritual energy infestation on a planet and thank goodness this planet is our beautiful planet Earth.


Trauma Leaves My Neighborhood

There is evidence of the trauma layers leaving my neighborhood now. More purging and merging of the negative layers around Yuma Townsite has resulted in wonderful changes. I see trash and mini-junkyards being removed. I see trees being trimmed neatly and fences being installed. I see all of this right outside my front door.

I hear the spirit sounds coming from the local high school. Yuma High School has been stuck with having the most unbelievable mascot, a Criminal, for over 100 years. It was in 1917 when they took on the mascot Criminals. This is because the high school got its start at the Yuma Territorial Prison. What a bad place to start a high school! No wonder the negativity has clung to our educational institutions.

I always thought it was ridiculous, but there is a heavy negative mindset here in Yuma which has allowed this atrocious mascot to remain bonded to that school. That mindset is being purged! I hear those spirit noises coming directly from Yuma High School  everyday. I walk outside and hear those noises right away. I hear them right now as I am sitting inside my home. The high-pitched purging noises have been going on for several months now.

This curse over Yuma High School is being lifted finally. I am sure that soon, there will be a major change about all of this. In fact the change is going to affect not just Yuma High School but high schools everywhere as this negative bond has kept the high school set up intact. That is why there is so many negative activities going on in high schools today. I have experienced first hand these negative activities so I know what I am talking about.

It is an exciting time for me as I see how powerful my healing has become. I am hearing the trauma layers purging. This is amazing. It is happening all of the time right here where I live. Just recently we have had several incidents of students overdosing on Fentanyl. This happened at Yuma High school and San Luis High School. Finally the news here is reporting these things.

Those negative events are stopping. The spirit layers that have fueled those problems are purging. I know this is the end of the high school set up forever. In the future we will no longer have any high schools as they are being purged out by the Universe everyday. High schools have become way too negative. There is only one solution, to shut down high schools permanently. The Universe does this over time. It is an automatic natural phenomenon.

I was always aware that the spiritual invasion came through the schools. I had to work at several schools in CA during my professional nursing career. I even worked as a paraprofessional here in Yuma at Kofa High School. I saw how bad things are in the high schools. I even told our governor Mr. Doug Ducey, that profanity in the schools was being ignored. I see that I had to be the one to work there in order to release this negative setup. Now we will see the positive changes. There will be a release of all of the trauma around public schools. Trauma layers from the schools are going out on the Universe and far away from humans.

As a result there will be a major transformation occurring. This means there will be alternative ways of educating our children. Public schools right now remain unsafe. It is not the best place for children. This will also result in the elimination of mascots everywhere entirely. We do not need to have mascots representing our schools. The school mascot is just another spiritual layer which causes negative problems.

Trauma leaves my neighborhood and so trauma is leaving the neighborhoods everywhere in our great country. There will not be the violence and drug use of the past. Those days are gone. Universe Family Healing removes trauma from our neighborhoods.