Removing the Spiritual Mask of the Fake Mother

Thank goodness I am here. If I were not here, who would get rid of the freaks trying to be mothers? Who would get rid of the criminals and frauds? I can do this by exposing the real person. The spiritual energies have provided a mask on these people that distorts reality. When this mask is purged from the person, reality is all that is seen. The officials in charge will easily see what is going on and act to make the situation better for the baby.

I can no longer interact directly face to face with these fake people, but I can purge their energies out universally. This will have good results in the end. These frauds will not be able to talk themselves out of their evil deeds. These people who are being exposed now will be dealt with in the proper way.  I will not have to be in the middle. I stay safely away in my home. I do what I feel is necessary and that is all. I maintain my health and well being at all costs. I do not put myself in any dangerous confrontations. I simply purge out their spiritual energies and my world changes.

This means mothers are only real mothers. They do not call their infants “Bud”. They act correctly at all times with their babies. They respond when their infant is crying. They do not let their baby get so upset to the point of exasperation. These pretend mothers are so gross and disgusting that I am glad they are all being exposed now, on the universe..

In the future  (which is happening every moment now) there are no fake mothers. There are only real mothers. This means that adoptions and all those things like surrogates etc. that are part of the spiritual world are no longer going to happen.The fake mother time is over.. Mothers will give birth to their own children and love them and take care of them the right way at all times. And multiple births will cease to happen. Multiple births are a very unnatural human experience. It is spiritually done and not good at all. These changes will allow our world to become a loving, caring, and living one again…