Feeling Good- The Sun Does It!

There is always so much bad stuff said and written about the sun these days. I am tired of hearing it really. Those people who are always talking down the sun are very spiritual people. They hide themselves in the sun and cover up their faces. They are the ones getting skin cancers all the time..They are more spiritual than human. Their time is over now.

I know that the sun is not a bad thing at all. The sun is the greatest Healer of them all.. When I sit in the sun, its powerful rays are all over me, pulling the spiritual energy away.. I am so connected to the sun and always have been. This tells me that I have always been a Healer, but did not really know it. I was not aware of my true healing ability. I am now, but it took me many years to be here where I am today…

We are fortunate to have the best weather conditions in North California. I am so positive it has to do with spiritual energy purging! I feel that weather conditions are controlled spiritually too…But not here where I live. The natural living world has taken control back and we have gorgeous weather..I am happy that we are having a very early spring. The sun is shining brightly. I know it is going to be a very good and prosperous year for me and my family. I know because the sun is here with me.

A real human Universal Healer like me must have this powerful connection with the sun. I work with the sun to establish a bond and continually purge this negative energy towards it. This allows our world to be safe and secure. Purging spiritual energy stabilizes the magnetic fields around the universe. This means our sun will not die and we will live on. Without this recycling of spiritual energy, the sun will get hotter and hotter and the Earth will die, as what happened on other planets. Purging spiritual energy on the universe balances everything nicely!

Now, there is this constant flow of spiritual energy onto the universe. The sun is supplied with magnetic energy.. This is what real Universal Healing really is, feeding the sun! You may read other people’s words who say they are Universal Healing, but they are not saying the things I say and I know they are not doing the things I do. This is my personal concept of Universal Healing. It makes logical sense to me. I am experiencing this phenomenon all the time and documenting what happens to me here on my blog. I do not care if scientists on this planet are not interested in this theory of mine. That is their own business. I do what I do and it works..